Dangerous New Bill Helps Factory Farms Hide Animal Abuse

Horrifying new South Dakota Senate Bill 14 poses a serious threat by making it easier for factory farms (also known as CAFOs) to hide animal abuse from the public. Like many ag-gag laws before it, the proposed legislation would criminalize documenting and making public the conditions at factory farms and food-processing facilities. This means creating more secrecy around food-processing operations and leaving the public in the dark about many aspects of the food system.

How Do Ag-Gag Laws Affect You?

Have you ever heard the term “ag-gag”? Ag-gag laws, no matter their form, are blatantly designed to be a threat to animals, workers, consumers, and First Amendment rights. Ag-gag threatens the free speech of not only animal advocates but journalists, concerned workers, and other individuals who seek to inform the public about the conditions of factory farming and the need for policy reform and enforcement of existing standards. The public is left in the dark about many aspects of the food system, and government regulations often go unenforced. 

The bill, drafted by farm groups, bans using cameras to expose what really happens in farms or research facilities. Additionally, the bill makes it harder for the public, the press, and local governments to get information about the state’s largest animal farms.

What Are CAFOs?

Concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, are large farms that raise hundreds to tens of thousands of cows, hogs, chickens, and turkeys, often in closed buildings. 

Jay Gilbertson, manager of the East Dakota Water Development District, is concerned that the bill would restrict access to information on CAFOs. His organization works to promote the conservation and management of water resources in eastern South Dakota:

Restricting public access to CAFO permits could make it more likely that large livestock operators would cut corners or avoid expensive waste management or water protection systems without anyone knowing.

From October 2009 to August 2019, permitted CAFOs in South Dakota broke state rules 217 times. On average, the public made around two complaints per month about these CAFOs. During this period, animal waste from CAFOs leaked into state waterways on nine occasions, according to prior research by News Watch.

What Can I Do?

The meat industry wants to keep its cruel, destructive practices a secret. Whistleblower investigations routinely expose horrific animal abuse at factory farms and slaughterhouses. Yet rather than improve conditions, the meat industry is trying to silence whistleblowers by passing ag-gag laws. These harmful laws often infringe on our freedom of speech and the press while endangering animal protections, food safety, workers’ rights, and the environment.

You have the power to speak up for animals and speak out against harmful ag-gag legislation. Sign up to keep informed and be the first to know if ag-gag is coming to your state.

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