World Elephant Day 12 August 2023World Elephant Day has been allocated to 12 August. Just about every day of the year there is a day for something. Most ...
When we take our wildlife pictures they are timeless. The most powerful aspect about capturing that image is what the image means to you.When you look at ...
All images used in this blog are all taken on transparency film!What’s real anymore? As technology is advancing and the whole issue of AI is rapidly moving ...
Christmas – What to photograph? Around this time of year people tend to be winding down and we are often asked , what is there to photograph? When you are ...
Is That Your Best Shot ? Can I improve ?Often we take a shot and we might be pleased with ourselves with what we have taken and yet is it our best shot on ...
Many people use their phone as their main photography camera. The size of the phones make them very convenient to carry around and to use. With each passing ...
Go Pro – Did You Know? Most of us have heard of Go Pro and what it stands for.Most of us know that it is one of the most powerful action cameras on ...
A Blue Sky Day Is the Perfect Day ! …. Wrong !What drives me a little crazy is when I hear people say, ‘It’s a perfect blue sky day, not a cloud in the ...
What Will I Do? I Don’t Have The Latest Camera?Technology in cameras is changing all the time. Each year and sometimes, every so many months , a new camera ...
Never under doubt the power of any image that you take.You may not realise the significance of that image that you have taken until many years later. They ...