New Podcast Chats – Richard Wiseman

I have lots of talks and shows coming up soon. Meanwhile, here are two podcast interviews that I did recently. ….

First, I chatted with psychologist and magician Scott Barry Kaufman about psychology, magic and the mind. The description is:

In this episode we explore the fascinating psychology behind magic, and Prof. Wiseman’s attempts to scientifically study what appears to be psychic phenomenon. We also discuss the secrets of self-transformation. 

The link is here.

The second was on The Human Being with philosopher Peter Adamson. This time we chatted about loads of topics, including  my research journey, parapsychology, magic, the Edinburgh Fringe, World’s funniest joke, the Apollo moon landings,  Quirkology, and much more. 

You can see it on Youtube here.

I hope that you enjoy them!


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