Eoghan Daltun on his farm in West Cork, Ireland, which he is rewilding into a temperate rainforest (photo by Paulo Nunes dos Santos for The New York ...
A portion of the British Sign Language sign for “carbon footprint,” full video for the sign on YouTube. By Marcy Rockman, Lifting Rocks Climate and ...
Entryway to the Svalbard Seed Vault in northern Norway (photo by Steffen Trumpf/Picture Alliance, via Getty Images, published at featured link below). ...
Plan of the city and suburbs of New Orleans: from an actual survey made in, by Tanesse, I, et al. 1815 (New York: Charles Del Vecchio ; New Orleans: ...
Dear Colleagues: I am writing to you at a challenging time for historical archaeology. As you know, the Society for Historical Archaeology is an ...