I am a huge fan of 1930s paranormal researcher Harry Price. Price carried out lots of amazing investigations, including studying an alleged talking ...
I am delighted to say that I am going to regularly blog about quirky things that have captured my imagination. I hope your curiosity will also be ...
Welcome to another blog post and many thanks for your kind comments on my previous post. At CSICON I had the pleasure of interviewing Penn & Teller ...
Another Thursday, another dose of curious stuff. Here is a strange tale combining magic, a trip to Paris, and some remarkable photographs. In the early ...
Welcome to another Thursday post celebrating curious mind stuff. This week, we enter the world of illusion! I have created many optical illusions over ...
This week we will take a detailed look at an optical illusion that I created to shrink people. There are a few ways of making someone look small. One ...
I recently received a lovely email from a pal of mine, Ian Franklin. We met when I investigated alleged ghostly phenomena at Hampton Court Palace, and so ...
The Edinburgh Magic Festival takes place soon, and I am staging a few events, including a talk on the magical history of Edinburgh, a magic workshop ...
I have lots of talks and shows coming up soon. Meanwhile, here are two podcast interviews that I did recently. …. First, I chatted with ...