Links: Anne Hathaway, Rat Music, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.Hey ho! Let’s go!

Though I scheduled this post a couple weeks ago, I’m an officially in South Korea by the time you’re reading this. I’m sure I’m having a great time.

We plan to do an overnight stay at a Buddhist temple and I’m most definitely going to load up on Korean beauty and skincare products. There’s also a chance some areas will still have cherry blossoms. Karaoke and ungodly amounts of Korean BBQ are on the agenda!

To all my fellow board gamers! There’s a game hitting Kickstarter in May that might be of interest to you: ApotheBakery. It looks very cute and I signed up to be notified when the campaign goes live. When it comes to board games, I definitely make purchase decisions based on aesthetics.

I went down an Anne Hathaway rabbit hole! Here is a segment of her watching some of her previous roles and I loved how seeing The Princess Diaries again makes her so emotional:

And of course, I was recommend even more Anne Hathaway content and proceeded to watch this conversation between Anne and Emily Blunt about their careers and friendship.

Malaraa in the SBTB Patreon Discord dropped a link of more Murderbot casting news! I know it’s hard to come back from the Alexander Skarsgard casting choice.

Enjoy this kitty being excited by the “rat music” of the Baldur’s Gate menu music. Do your pets react to any particular TV sounds?

Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!


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