Gender activists still want to rewrite the Spanish language

A bunch of overeducated, social justice-obsessed liberals are still trying to change the Spanish language to fit their ridiculous views of gender, no matter how unpopular their attempts continue to be.

Axios is now claiming that “Latine” is “surging in popularity on university campuses, in museums, and among researchers and media.” As one quoted activist describes it, the forced language change is “part of a movement centered on wanting to build and foster an inclusive community.”

As I write this, my autocorrect is giving me multiple suggestions for what it thinks I mean when I type “Latine.” The first two suggestions were “Latino” and “Latina,” which are, you know, actual Spanish words. The third suggestion is “latrine,” which is another word for “toilet.” Nothing says inclusivity and respect quite like forcing Latinos to change their language so that their phone thinks they are calling themselves toilets.

Again, this is gender brain-rot that has led a bunch of Western academics and others with too much self-importance to declare that the entire Spanish language is not inclusive for xe/they/them. My colleague Tiana Lowe Doescher’s analysis of the word “Latinx” also fits “Latine”: “If we’re being honest, the word is pronounced, ‘I’m a Western imperialist desecrating the beauty of the Romance languages because my ignorant ego cannot handle non-Germanic languages.’”


The only reason the word “Latine” has been invented is to replace “Latinx,” which was proved unpopular among actual Latinos. The vast majority of Latinos and Hispanics both hate the butchering of their language and prefer the descriptors “Latino” or “Hispanic.” After all, white academics are trying to lecture them about how their language should be spoken so that it is more inclusive to people with made-up genders or people who believe scientific illiteracies such as gender being “nonbinary.”

Evidently, “Latinx” is already going extinct. “Latine” should follow closely behind, because no one should tolerate gender-ideology zealots forcing languages to be rewritten, in order to be more “inclusive,” over the objections of people who actually speak those languages. These activists’ demands, much like their view of gender, are absurd, unrealistic, and unworthy of being taken seriously.

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