You probably know by this evening, Tara, its a filmed documentary! Yes agree about Aquarius and Scorpio for the actual tech. But I wonder about the way it has affected us all in various ways, changed our everyday lives (sixth house/Virgo?), and seemingly cast a spell on many people – Neptune and possibly Moon too? Plus 12th house secrecy, hidden ‘enemies’, and so on. Our online lives have produced a form of 12th house seclusion too – shopping from home, working from home etc. We are more isolated in a way. Is Neptune in Pisces a recluse?
Tech, and especially AI, uses huge amounts of energy and water, so possibly that’s more 12th house symbolism for Neptune and Pisces. Nobody in government ever mentions how much energy AI development will require do they?
I too have a little Nokia. I noticed recently when shopping how more people seem to be using cash again for groceries. Possibly some were alarmed by recent problems with online banking. There’s also the budget angle, it is easier to manage money when you can see it. Again, I wonder about Neptune’s move into Aries, and whether some of Piscean mists will clear? Seeing more individuals reading physical books on public transport is perhaps another tiny sign of something stirring in the dear old collective too. Much to watch, much to ponder….