Nigel Farage in a classic shoot-in-the-foot manoeuvre has managed to stir up a fight that could wreck his Reform Party’s chances of making inroads into the Tory vote and providing a viable alternative. Rupert Lowe MP is the latest of his cronies to fall foul of his anger with a spectacular hissy fit being thrown, police called over hurtful words by Lowe, who appears to have been cancelled without due process. All of Lowe’s staff apparently deny the allegations of bullying made against him and say he is a decent man.
Farage is an oddity, with an ability to trigger momentous changes such as Brexit yet seemingly incapable of holding to a steady course to maximise his triumphs.
Born 3 April 1964 4.30pm Farnborough, England, he has an 8th house Aries Sun conjunct Mars in Aries in his late 7th house; plus Jupiter in Aries conjunct Mercury in Taurus also in his 8th. Certainly intense though also with a hint of the Aries’ hash and crash approach which tends to lack endurance and the capacity to stay the course.
What makes him both an instigator of significant change and an agent for constant change rather than stability is Uranus Pluto in Virgo conjunct on his Ascendant.
Political columnist Daniel Finkelstein has a delightfully savage description of Farage: “One of Farage’s deepest beliefs is that he is surrounded by idiots –. He notes that one particularly dangerous form this idiocy takes is for some party rando to start believing that they, rather than he, should be leader. — And he invariably acts against such people, however messy it gets.”
Rupert Lowe, 31 October 1957, Oxford, a Sun, Neptune, Mercury in Scorpio is hardly a good fit with an Aries even an 8th house one. Their relationship chart has an afflicted composite Mars conjunct Saturn and trine Pluto so was never going to make for a cooperative duo.
Farage anyway has Chiron in his 7th hinting at an unhealable woundedness in close relationships and his Sun/Moon midpoint is conjunct his evasive Neptune so harmonious togetherness is not exactly his forte.
His relationship with Elon Musk is a bubbling cauldron of dislike with a composite Mars opposition Pluto plus an argumentative composite Mars square Mercury and a distrustful composite Sun opposition Neptune. Their interface will be more than usually upset from now until early April.
His relationship with Trump will hiccup late April into May.
His personal chart will be rattled this year by the Solar Eclipses catching his Aries Sun and his volatile Sun/Mars midpoint. Disappointments, failed plans and panic in 2026 about dashed hopes won’t improve his spirits. He’ll have a few lucky breaks but more of the other variety.
The Reform Party chart, 23 November 2018 looks badly undermined in 2027.