New Moon in Pisces – Soul Reflections

The New Moon in Pisces brings pause to reflect, enter the stillness and let go. With six planets in Pisces, there is an abundance of dreamy, watery energy. Pisces is the sign of compassion, oneness and devotion. The new moon is a natural reset point, as the Sun and Moon align, bringing about the beginning of a new cycle.

This new moon is about releasing and letting go, before the Spring Equinox when the Sun enters Aries next month. You may feel the emotions of the past year surfacing, to be honoured, processed and cleansed from your emotional body. This is an ideal time to do a cleanse or fasting of some kind, as when you cleanse and hydrate, the lymphatic system can release old toxins and also old emotions.

This is a time for self-care, and above all, being kind and compassionate to yourself. Tying in with the themes of the 9 year, and the year of the Snake, we are gently shedding our skins, stepping out of our old life and releasing old baggage.

Pisces is represented by two fishes, one swimming upwards towards evolution and light, and the other swimming downwards towards the murky depths. The fishes are yoked together. There comes a point, on the journey of soul evolution, where the lower nature or shadow self will start to pull you down. Then you must decide to keep swimming towards the light and raising your frequency; or lose yourself in a saviour, victim or martyr complex. When you focus on your own journey and soul connection, the path ahead becomes clear.

As the Sun and Moon align in Pisces, we also have Saturn, Mercury, Neptune and the North Node here. Saturn and Mercury ask you to focus your mind on what is really important. What are you really here for? How are you doing so far with your purpose? What new souls are coming in, that you can really build with?

The Neptune and North Node conjunction is about the collective destiny of humanity. As the node of destiny joins with Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, we are being challenged to connect higher, and rely on our guidance every day, constantly honing and developing our skills. This is what it means to be human. We are all born with the ability for extra sensory perception, and the promptings to connect with the soul and the divinity within. If we don’t use these gifts, we will lose them, to be replaced by soul disconnection and reliance on technology to orient ourselves.

As Neptune and Saturn move through Pisces, we are being asked to liberate ourselves from old karmic patterns, as we prepare for a new birth when they enter Aries.

The major aspect to the new moon is a square to Jupiter in Gemini, bringing the urge to reach out and communicate with people, at the same time as wanting to be still and reflect. Jupiter is the mundane ruler of Pisces, so this is powerful new moon with Neptune, its other ruler, in the same sign.

The Jupiter square brings the desire to break out of the box, expand your boundaries and try something new. It can also bring a tendency towards excess, gambling or risk taking. The moon in Pisces is connected with reliance on alcohol in its lower echelons, so this combination could manifest as some kind of emotional comfort seeking. This is why self-care and emotional healing are paramount at this time.

The day after the new moon, Venus goes retrograde, and will be so for the next six weeks. This brings in themes of introspection in relationships, and possible meetings with people from the past, so it is good to get really clear on this new moon about where you stand, and release as much as possible. March is a month of eclipses, with Venus and Mercury retrograde.

On this new moon, just allow yourself time to be, in a peaceful, nurturing space. Contemplating, reflecting and healing.

In Pisces we are held in the womb of the mother, dreaming our dreams of a future life. May our dreams be blessed.

Artwork: Galene Sea Goddess by Elleen Rose

New Moon 9° Pisces on 28 February @00.44 GMT /UT

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