The month of March is filled with intense energies of retrogrades and eclipses. Both Mercury and Venus are retrograde; we have a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, and a solar eclipse in Aries. The Spring Equinox heralds the beginning of a new astrological year, and Venus begins a new cycle as the Pisces Goddess. There are many deep undercurrents of soul healing, relationship retrospectives, deep diving into karma clearing and preparations for rebirth.
The Sun enters Aries with Mercury and Venus both retrograde, which says something about this universal 9 year being a time for competing the lessons of the past nine years, doing a karmic wrap up and hopefully graduating. When the Snake sheds its skin, the skin that was once living and vibrant falls away, a dry dead thing, no longer of any use. The new, vibrant skin is growing underneath, and that is what we must look to. We can gracefully glide to a higher octave of the spiral, when we open our eyes to the truth, and use our gifts to grow and serve. The great spirit of Life always brings a new dawn.
1 March – 13 April Venus Retrograde: (10* Aries – 24* Pisces)
The month kicks off with Venus going into retrograde motion in the sign of Aries. This is something that happens every nineteen months. It marks the end of the last synodic cycle, which was ruled by Leo. You may like to reflect on your experiences between August 2023 and February 2025, the trajectory of events and the soul learning therein. When Venus goes retrograde, it is natural to reflect on relationships, soul ties, past and current bonds and soul contracts. As Venus moves from Aries to Pisces, this time is about finding the very essence of your soul spark, and allowing yourself to be reborn in the womb of Pisces. We are about to enter a phase of heightened compassion and sensitivity in relationships.
13 – 14 March Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse 23* Virgo:
On this eclipse we have a power stellium in Pisces, with Saturn, the Sun, North Node and Neptune all within 7 degrees of each other, opposite the eclipsing Moon in Virgo. This opens the eclipse window of March, and signifies beginnings and endings in and relationships. There is a fated quality about this alignment; soul mates could walk in and others could walk out. The key is in letting go of old emotional baggage.
15 March – 7 April Mercury Retrograde (9* Aries – 26* Pisces)
Yes, Mercury is going retrograde again and travelling backwards with Venus in Aries. Mercury Rx in Aries can lead to impatience, impulsiveness and sudden frustrating events. Watch out for short communications and try not to take things personally. The winged messenger will enter Pisces on 28 March and the pace will slow down somewhat, but this may lead to more confusion! With both Venus and Mercury retrograde in Aries, the heart and mind are taking a step back, casting a retrospective glance over relationships, communication styles, and how you are using your gifts. You can allow yourself to be reforged in the primal fire of Aries when you surrender to Divine inspiration.
20 March Spring Equinox – the Sun enters Aries @09.01 GMT /UT
On this day the Sun enters Aries, marking the beginning of the new astrological year. The day and night are equal in length, and the earth’s magnetic field is lowered, making this an ideal time to meditate. The Sun of the self, representing the light of consciousness, enters the sign of cardinal fire, joining Venus and Mercury retrograde here. This time is about new beginnings; however the two innermost planets appear to be moving backwards, signifying the last year in a cycle of nine.
22 March: Venus Sun inferior conjunction – Venus in the Heart of the Sun
Two days after the Equinox we have the Venus Sun conjunction, known as the inferior conjunction in the cycle of Venus. As Venus moves between the earth and the sun, we can feel her rays. She is preparing for a new synodic cycle, merging with the solar light, as she is reborn in the golden rays ready to rise as the morning star.
26 March: Venus Morning Star Rise: 0* Aries
Venus has completed her sojourn as the Evening Star – on this day she rises as the Morning Star, bestowing her brilliance just before sunrise.
29 March: Super New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse 9* Aries
This new moon is a supermoon, which makes it more powerful, and also a partial solar eclipse in Aries, the sign of new beginnings. It is unaspected, apart from a conjunction with Mercury retrograde. This closes the eclipse window, which brings about endings and beginnings in particular areas of life shown by the house the eclipse falls in your natal chart. The conjunction with Mercury Rx encourages you to dive deeply into your higher mind, tapping into soul gifts and forgotten knowledge. The time to be super human is now.
29 March: New Pisces Goddess Venus cycle begins
Venus begins her new journey on the Descent of Inanna, as the Pisces Goddess of compassion, creativity and soul healing.
30 March: Neptune enters Aries
On March 30 the mighty planet Neptune enters Aries, after a long stint in Pisces, the sign of its rulership. Neptune is the planet of higher spiritual energies, dreams and dissolution. Its entry into Aries marks a brand new beginning in the collective energies. We will move from the watery illusions of Pisces, to the initiating fire of Aries, signifying a rebirth of spirit.