Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo – Purification & Release

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo kicks off this eclipse season, and it extremely potent even for an eclipse. As the full moon is eclipsed by the earth’s shadow, it turns a blood red or copper colour. This affects our emotional life and can signify endings and beginnings. Typically, relationships are affected by lunar eclipses, and this is a good time to take stock and reassess where you stand.

The full moon is opposite the Sun in Pisces, which is part of a powerful grouping of planets known as a stellium. The Sun is conjunct Saturn, Lord of Karma; and also Neptune and the North Node of Destiny. This alignment has a fated, karmic quality about it. The Moon is making positive aspects to Mars and Uranus, bringing active change into the mix.

The lunar eclipse brings a reset and reboot in the area of your chart where it falls. If you have any planets in late Virgo, or between 20 – 26 degrees of the mutable signs it will affect you more strongly. The shadow of Virgo is perfectionism, being overly critical; being too focused on the details and not seeing the big picture; being too stuck “in the head” and in old thinking patterns; being pedantic, rigid and not going with the flow. When the moon eclipses, you are being asked to release these things in favour of inner purity; dedication to the path of service; humility; letting go of all that is no longer useful; and continuing to strive for excellence while being consciously aware of the ego /shadow.

This is a time when criticism could destroy relationships. No-one likes to be criticised; it can make people revert to being a child and being shamed. It is time to let go of judgment, and make sure your inner critic is just as stringent if you criticise someone else. Look to the inner purity of the relationships in your life, and realise that everyone is doing their best from their level of understanding. If you can no longer accept someone exactly as they are, then you have the right to move on and close the door on that relationship. Self-love is key; and it is a fine balance between Virgoan discernment, and Piscean compassion.

The stellium in Pisces brings divinely orchestrated twists of fate, and you could see souls walking into your life and souls walking out. In particular, this speaks of soul groups, and soul family coming into alignment. The North Node and Neptune conjunction is asking you to tune into your higher purpose. How far along are you with your soul path? What is the great dream of your soul, and are you on track to manifesting it in this life? Which souls are coming in to help you, to work together as a team?

As this alignment comes together with the Sun and Saturn, soul contracts are being solidified for the next phase of your journey. The Sun is illuminating Pisces, the sign of redemption, oneness, compassion and mysticism. Saturn is bringing structure and boundaries to the watery realms of sensitivity, emotions, and psychic perceptions. It is time to be strong in who you are, as an empath, and set proper boundaries. Saturn is now 22° Pisces, and you should be feeling a sense of mastery of the lessons regarding boundaries that life has sent you. Saturn is the task master, and you may have been tested during this transit, as others try to take advantage or mistake your kindness for weakness.

All in all, this is a time to complete karmic lessons, step forward with soul family and new soul mates, and close the door on karmic relationships that were taking more than they gave. It is time to step into your authority, and use the gifts that you have spent your life developing. This is no time for modesty, or playing it small.

Saturn relates to karmic lessons, and in Pisces, these are about playing the victim role, being the martyr, being a doormat, or generally falling prey to seduction, illusions, addictions, and paralysing confusion. This transit urges you to find your inner strength and centredness; clarity of perception; and stern compassion when necessary. Just because you take appropriate action doesn’t mean you don’t care. Every soul is playing their role and learning the lessons of their soul evolution. They are safe in the arms of the creator as you are.

This eclipse window completes with a solar eclipse in Aries at the end of the month, which is about spiritual rebirth. It synchronises with the entry of Neptune into Aries. For the next two weeks, we are doing the necessary soul work to release old baggage, cleanse the emotional body and prepare for this new beginning.

During this time, we have Mercury going retrograde in Aries the day after the lunar eclipse, causing communications to be disrupted. Tempers can flare as misunderstandings occur in this impulsive fire sign. Short journeys will be affected, and people may speak without thinking. Venus is still retrograde, bringing a retrospective deep dive for relationships. This is a very introspective time, and it urges you to look back, look within, release and let go. You can look for the reasons why certain issues arose in relationships; but this is not a time to dwell in the past, simply to find the learning and move on.

We are moving into the Spring Equinox, and the beginning of a new cycle of Venus as the Pisces Goddess. This is a time of rebirth and new beginnings, and also deep introspection and soul healing. The deeper you go between the eclipses, the higher you will rise as the phoenix when the energies begin to rise again. This time, you will be more humble, more authentic, stronger and more true. This time you will be more at peace with the soul energy within, and less affected by externals.

The great purification of Virgo Pisces is underway, leading to rebirth in Aries.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 23° Virgo on 14 March @06.54 GMT /UT

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