Full Moon in Taurus – Divine Embodiment

The full moon in Taurus is a moon of embodiment. For the past month, the Sun has been moving through Scorpio illuminating the shadows. We have passed through the time for honouring the ancestors; and the new moon in Scorpio which was a time of celebrating the light coming out of the darkness. Many insights may have been revealed, as to the nature of your psyche and the minds of others. In Scorpio, we look deeper, and probe further into the mysteries. If you have the courage to know the truth, you will find the keys to unlock many doors.

As the Full Moon illuminates the sign of Taurus, all you have learned in Scorpio comes down to earth. You are able to manifest and embody the wisdom you have found.

Taurus is the sign of Mother Earth. Fixed earth represents strength, stability and physicality. On this full moon, we are called to balance the Taurus Scorpio axis, which is about body and mind. Taurus is the physical body, desires, possessions and material reality. Scorpio is the deep psyche, the lower astral and all that is suppressed and taboo.

You are being called to check in and see if one of these is out of balance in your life. Are you taking care of your physical health, and honouring and acknowledging your desires? Are you building a material reality where you can feel content and at peace? Or are you too focused on the material life and suppressing your darker emotions and psychology?

Are you honouring the darkness in you, and doing your shadow work – honouring, acknowledging and healing what you find? Do you have knowledge of your psychological patterns, and mastery of your emotions? Are you able to integrate these with your soul guidance? Or are you controlled by your lower emotions, and unable to enjoy your life or find peace where you are?

These are all questions to ponder as we aim to find this sacred balance. When the physical, emotional and mental bodies are integrated with the soul, we find alignment. Taurus becomes a sign of illuminated earth.

The esoteric maxim of Taurus is: I see, and when the Eye is opened, all is Light.

Our physical eyes let in light, and through a miraculous prism we are able to see colours and shapes, and know vision. This is how light comes to our physical awareness. We also have inner light that radiates from our DNA, when we find alignment and clear through the subconscious blocks that relate to the sign of Scorpio.

In Scorpio, the soul test is to release the hold of the lower astral, which grips onto us like the bite of a crocodile. In Egypt this relates to Sobek the crocodile god. The crocodiles would swim in the Nile waters underneath the temple, and with their long, flexible spines they symbolised kundalini energy. The kundalini must rise up from Muladhara; so the root chakra must be activated, and all the blocks here released, before the energy can rise to the crown.

The temple of Kom Ombo is dedicated to Sobek and Horus the Elder. The deep kundalini energy is contrasted with the high energy of Horus, the Divine breath.

On this full moon, we balance the light and the dark, aiming to know the truth of the deep waters, and fully embodying our Divinity on earth. When we balance and integrate the shadows, the Soul can have full reign.

In this way we can be truly Sovereign. Sovereign = Soul Reign.

Full Moon 24* Taurus on 15 November @21.28 GMT /UT

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