February Energies – Inspired Visions of Healing

We begin the month of February with the festival of Imbolc, the very beginning of Spring. We honour Brigid, goddess of Healing Springs, the Sacred Flame and the Fertile Earth, and ask for the tender shoots of new beginnings to be nurtured in the earth. There are some very high frequency energies coming through this month, so anchor your presence and set your intentions for the year ahead.

With the New Moon in Aquarius we entered the Year of the Wood Snake, a universal 9 year. This is a year of deep healing and renewal, shedding of skins, and diving deeper into the mysteries of soul evolution and creativity. The Sun in Aquarius asks you to break out of old patterns of limited thinking, and open up to divine inspiration.

1 February Venus Gate: Moon Venus conjunction 28° Pisces

Venus on her journey as the Leo Goddess reaches the Crown Chakra Gate.

Inanna completes her Ascent of the cycle which began in August 2023. This is a time to reclaim your crown, no matter what life has thrown at you. Simply embrace the sovereign being that you are. Rejoice in your journey, all you have lost and all you have gained. All things return to the the heart, to be renewed in the ever-deepening fire of authenticity.  

1-2 February Venus Neptune North Node conjunction 28° Pisces

This once in a lifetime alignment brings through high frequency energies, merging personal love with higher love, and connecting you more strongly to your soul purpose. This is a beautiful time to meditate and ask for higher guidance. You may be shown messages in dreams, and gain more clarity on your path.

3 February Jupiter stations direct 11° Gemini

Jupiter, the great benefic and planet of wisdom, begins moving forwards again. You may reflect on the inner wisdom you have gained since October 9, and carry the gifts of your introspection forwards as you venture forth into new enterprises.

4 February Venus enters Aries

Venus, Goddess of Love, leave dreamy romantic Pisces and enters the fiery, dynamic sign of Aries. Here she becomes the fiercely independent Divine feminine warrior. Whatever you can do, or dream of doing, begin it now. Creative initiatives can be sparked with this energy.

7 February Mars trine Saturn

Mars, still retrograde in Cancer, moves into a trine with Saturn in Pisces. The deep healing of the masculine that is underway reaches a time of ease, where obstacles may be navigated smoothly. This aspect is active throughout the month.

8 February Mercury Cazimi: Mercury Sun conjunction 19° Aquarius

This is a time of increased mental intensity. Mercury in the heart of the Sun burns up in the solar light. Divinely inspired ideas may reveal themselves to you. The Divine messenger is directly aligned with the Sun. Focused meditation helps to bring clarity with this transit.

12 February Full Snow Moon 24° Leo

This is a powerful full moon with a fixed, stubborn quality. The Sun Mercury conjunction in Aquarius is opposite the Leo Moon. The Leo Aquarius axis is highlighted, and you may feel surges of creativity, bringing expression to the airy idealism of Aquarius. The Sun and Moon are squaring Uranus in Taurus. This aspect brings unpredictable events, and potential shocks and surprises. Remain flexible and stay on your toes. Life can feel destabilising, and there may be sudden changes to plans. Remember to go with the flow and open to new ideas.

14 February Mercury enters Pisces

On the day of Self-love, Mercury enters Pisces and communications become dreamy, subtle, poetic and ethereal. Poetry makes an inspired Valentine’s gift. Thoughts and conversations tend towards romantic interactions, or simply basking in the beauty of you and the deep connections you have in your life.

18 February Sun enters Pisces

The Sun leaves airy Aquarius with its fresh and radical ideas, and illuminates the sign of redemption and spiritual oneness. This transcendent sign is sensitive, compassionate, mystical and creative. Inspired ideas that came to you last month can be nurtured in the watery womb of Pisces, ready to take birth in the spring. You may feel more psychic and empathic during this transit, and others may be more sensitive.

23 February Mars stations direct 17° Cancer

Finally Mars ends his retrograde journey, and stations direct ready to move forwards. Mars will stay around this degree for a long time as it slowly gains momentum. Any deep healing and clearing you have done since December 6 will free up new energy to power you forward. Profound introspections will serve you well in the next phase of your journey.

28 February New Moon 9° Pisces square Jupiter

The New Moon in Pisces begins a new lunar cycle, in the mystical, compassionate and reflective sign of the fishes. This is a powerful time to set new intentions and vision new creative ideas. A square to Jupiter can bring a tendency towards excess, and over-indulging. This can take many forms, including dwelling in emotional states, such as victim or martyr consciousness. If difficult emotions are coming up for you, remember to feel – release – let go.

All in all, the month of February is a month of new beginnings, inspired guidance, and profound visions emerging. The more you honour your healing journey, and learn to be at peace exactly where you are at, the more grace will enter your life.

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