November Forecast & Horoscopes

November Forecast & Horoscopes over image of a candle

November’s astrological configurations involve disparate energies. Beginnings are fueled by tense completions and we find shaky ground and celestial standstills, plus the promise of eventual returns to the major moments and apparent finales of the month.

The New Moon arrives on the 1st of November at 9°35 Scorpio. With a trine to Saturn close to its direct station in Pisces, we find a powerful anchor for the beginning of this lunar cycle. Mars and Pluto, traditional and modern rulers of the sign of Scorpio, oppose one another from the anaeretic degrees of their respective signs, and we are granted an extra tense alignment between two already intense planets. Mars in Cancer is well into its retrograde shadow; we will be pulled back to these watery beginnings down the road. Pluto, on the other hand, is at the end of the end of its 15 year trek through Capricorn’s earthy structures. On the 19th, Pluto commits to the sign of Aquarius, churning the airs of human consciousness through the particularistic visions of the Water Bearer.

Mars is slow, Saturn is slow, and Pluto is slow. With all the major players of this Moon close to their points of station, things feel at a standstill—or at least in slow motion.

Things are changing directions, yet not in particularly clear or stable ways.

A Grand Water trine (between Mars, Mercury, and Neptune) is also in play at the beginning of the month, with Luna falling into the formation on the 2nd, right on the heels of her New Moon moments. This brings a heightened possibility for confusion, deception, and personal protections that tie into New Moon developments. 

All of this leads us straight into the anticipated turbulence of Election Day in the US on Nov 5. Mars moves into the expressive energies of Leo on this day, bringing fiery and dramatic ambitions into the scene. And yet, slow Mars doesn’t make it far through Leo’s fixed fire. On December 6, Mars turns retrograde, forcing the fiery planet and all its warrior-powered ambitions towards significant redirections.

Personal and collective deviations and backtracks are to be expected. Whatever is found in the early days of November is treated to important review in the coming months.

November’s Full Moon in Taurus, which lands on the 15th, is a lively one. Conjunct Uranus and opposing the Scorpio Sun, we are likely to see big moments involving values, concentrations of energy, resources, and property. Full Moon climaxes should be exciting, also interpreted as destabilizing, unexpected, offbeat, and groundbreaking. See your horoscope below for clues to how November’s lunar energies will affect your Sun sign.

Mercury takes us into another retrograde period at the end of the month. With the Messenger planet in psychopomp form in the sign of Scorpio, we’ve got some shadowy layers to explore. Intimate introspection and emotional investigations will move a little deeper. As Mars joins Mercury in retrograde motion early in December, there’s plenty of important backtracking up ahead. The right use of personal energy, the exploration of motivations, and the demands of emotional reparations are big areas of consideration in the coming months.

November 2024 Key Dates

Nov 1 – New Moon, 9°35 Scorpio
Nov 2 – Mercury enters Sagittarius
Nov 3 – Mars opposite Pluto
Nov 3 – Jupiter opposite Venus
Nov 4 – Mars enters Leo
Nov 4 – Venus-Moon Gate, 21°54 Sagittarius
Nov 11 – Venus enters Capricorn
Nov 15 – Saturn stations direct, 12°42 Pisces
Nov 15 – Full Moon 24°01 Taurus
Nov 17 – Sun opposite Uranus
Nov 19 – Pluto enters Aquarius
Nov 21 – Sun enters Sagittarius
Nov 25 – Mercury stations retrograde, 22°40

November Horoscopes


Hey, Scorpio, it’s your birthday…and birthdays tend to bring new beginnings. This month, you’re likely to feel a fire in your belly around career matters. Enjoy the passion and purpose, but heads up—you’ll likely reconsider a few of the steps you take now. With Mars’ upcoming retrograde, certain pieces will need to be revisited and reassessed in the coming months.

November’s Scorpio New Moon pings Saturn in your solar 5th house, bringing an interesting concentration of energy to your creative missions. Your relationship to your children may be involved.

You may get a surprise on (or around) the Full Moon. Something involving your relationship or the way you publicly face the world could pop at this time.


November’s New Moon initiations involve hidden pieces of your Sagittarian spirit, prompting you to consider your beliefs, your subconscious resistance, patterns, and processes. Mid-month you have the opportunity to see some of these realities manifest in tangible, possibly surprising, ways. Beneath the surface, work, health, and material success are entangled in these deeper layers.

Processing power is amped up this month, fueling insightful realizations. Your mind may be busy, making it hard to focus, yet also giving you the inspiration to explore in novel ways. Mars tromps through your solar 9th house, but changes course next month. Big-picture pieces will need to be mulled over. Endeavors involving higher education, publishing, travel, legal matters, and relationships with mentors and teachers are areas primed for backtracks.


Your creative potential is activated this month, Capricorn. Plant your New Moon seeds by bringing intentional efforts into your friend group or extended community. By the Full Moon, you should feel things opening up! You’re likely to find a playful energy in your experiences with children, art projects, and romantic rendezvous.

How are things looking in the area of debts and loans? Do you find yourself swimming through murky energy involving merged resources? Take a look at these pieces now, as Mars’ retrograde is going to sweep through these pieces, asking you to re-sort something. Get ahead of any messy energy now to reduce the potential of awkward energies during Mars’ clean-ups.


Hola, Aquarius! November’s New and Full Moons fall into in angular houses of your solar chart, bringing pivotal experiences to core aspects of life. Situations involving home or family and your financial realities have been two areas that have really been up for you (possibly in related ways, or possibly showing up independently of one another).

By the end of November, things will look different. You should have a clearer sense of where you are with money and what steps you need to take to move forward.

As far as the home or property situation goes, the Full Moon is likely to bring a big piece out. You’ve probably been feeling like the ground beneath your feet is shifting. As your foundation rocks and wobbles, previously buried possibilities emerge. You’ve got to think about who you are in the world, your path, your big work, and how you share yourself with the world.


Dearest Pisces, this month initiates deep considerations of emotional protections, personal security, and larger pieces involving faith and spiritual guidance. Saturn stations in Pisces this month and, while this indicates pulling away from a weight that’s been holding you back, you may feel your moving in slow motion during this planetary redirect.

The Mercury-Jupiter opposition is significant for Pisces as this planetary alignment involves your ruling planet and falls into angular houses in your solar chart. With this in play, you’ll probably feel stretched between little personal and private, details and bigger goals, and pressed to make it all come together.

Watch for the period around the Full Moon for a change involving your neighborhood, a sibling, or day to day communications.


Hey, Aries! The Mars-Pluto opposition is a big one for everyone but with your ruling planet tangled up in these crescendos, you may feel it more than most.

Early next month, Mars moves into retrograde motion, a sure sign that your own personal power is headed into a period of recalibration. You’re likely going to need to own up to some of your compulsive tendencies and find creatively novel ways to express yourself as you move these energies through.

The Full Moon on the 15th involves surprises around your income. Perhaps the deep dive delivered through Mars and Pluto earlier in the month leads to a raise or a new stream of income.


This is a spicy month for you, Taurus! Significant undercurrents exist somewhere in your immediate environment. It’s now time to own what you’ve been dancing around for a while. This is good work for you to do as it can create big changes for your personal expressions.

The planets are all over the place this month, pulling in energy and demanding your attention in various areas. Where is your foundation in all of this? Expect to find yourself called into home life where you’ll likely be feeling reveling in your inner light. What you embrace here, in your inner sanctum, radiates to other areas of life. However, there’s work to be down here, in your rooted existence. The next few months will guide you to comb through this personal terrain, allowing you to find what needs to be weeded out and what calls for extra embrace and nourishment.


Expect to spend some extra time on your relationships this month, Gemini. One-on-one dynamics light up and you’ll find there are important conversations to be had. With your ruler headed for a retrograde (at the tail end of the month) through your relational sector, you’ll be treated to a deeper cut of these negotiations in December.

The New Moon on the 1st inspires considerations about your career. Commit to the work you want to create for yourself. Diligent efforts could very well pay off. Career matters that have felt stalled should start to gain momentum in the coming weeks bringing extra weight to the work you put in now.

There are many hidden realities that come into play on the path to prosperity. Oftentimes, things need to be dealt with beneath the surface before we experience results in the manifest world. This month may allow you to catch a glimpse into these hidden pieces of yourself.


Hi Cancer. It looks like you are being called to focus on important pieces tied to your relational world. What’s been lying beneath the surface in a partnership or close friendship will emerge early in the month, prompting an initial purview of this piece of life. Financial considerations may factor into what is addressed and redressed in this process.

Security is so important to those born under your sign. If you don’t feel supported—and if you’ve been making choices where you put yourself in positions which undermine your sense of security—expect to have this come up in a big way in the coming months.

November’s Full Moon brings the potential for openings and changes, sudden shifts, and fun moments found through group experiences. Take note of possibilities revealed here. They may fuel insight into partnership predicaments.


November is full of potent energy and you, dear Leo, are right in the thick of it. The Mars-Pluto opposition on the 3rd may very well bring deep currents to the surface. Key pieces of this passage will likely involve your self-image, important relationships, and the projection of your energy into the world.

You may feel eager to blow through any discomfort with a headstrong attitude and bold moves. Just be warned, much of what your take on in November will have to be redone.

Mid-month something lights up involving your reputation. What you keep behind closed doors or within the family may pop into public view.


Pablo Picasso once said, “The chief enemy of creativity is good sense.” How does this statement land for you, Virgo? November drives you to explore your creative potential—and examine the blocks that get in your way.

Some support for these reflections may be found under the Full Moon on the 15th. You could receive an important insight that changes how you position yourself in the grand scheme of life.

November prepares the ground for things to emerge down the road. Any hesitations you hold about sharing your originality with the world are pieces you’ll be prompted to consider through the coming months.


What needs to come up, will. Early in the month, you’re given a piece to chew on. You’ve been working your personal power, diving deep and reckoning with internal motivations over the past many years. As something culminates here, you may find there’s something left to put into place—or to let go of.

11th house areas of life, such as your friend group, community, team of peers, your sangha, community alliances, or social media network are up for review. As Mars charges into this area of your solar chart, you’ll probably feel newly energized in this department. And yet, you will find there’s something that will need a closer look before moving forward. Patience is key. You have several months of wonky Mars wind-ups and wind-downs before you get to take solid steps forward in group endeavors.

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