March Forecast & Horoscopes

March Forecast & Horoscopes over tulip background

March will be a pivotal time for many. Venus is retrograde the entire month, instigating important internal work through the fires of chthonic processes. Revelations granted from these periods tend to involve the discovery of self-worth informed by important insights into personal truths surrounding desire and connection.

Fueling the intensity of this already significant retrograde are the shadowy experiences of March’s eclipses. The first eclipse of the season arrives on March 14 at 23°57 Virgo. This is a South Node eclipse, indicating rebalancing through release. Saturn and Neptune from strong aspects to the eclipse, bringing added potential for experiences of loss and surrender, along with a sense of gravity.

The following day, Mercury stations retrograde, bringing more review, reconsideration, and various re-steps into the complex processes of the month. It will be important to make time and space to allow all of these energies to process and integrate. Hearts and psyches are being worked on through a variety of portals and symbolic dives into underworld spaces and practices of rest, self-care, nurturing, and purification should be leaned on heavily.

The Sun enters Aries on the 20th, offering rebirth and new beginnings in the midst of the closures, reviews, and mystical deep dives of eclipse + Venus retrograde experiences. Yet, our new beginnings are planted within significant backtracks and unpredictable releases. Grounded emergence through springtime rebirth will be more accessible next month.

Themes of incubation and arrival, dreaming and waking are strong through March, bringing a powerful sense of liminality to the month. The second eclipse of the season arrives on March 29 and amplifies this aspect of our springtime journey. This is an Aries eclipse, bringing Nodal currents into the revivals of the season.

Read your horoscope below for more on March’s wild resets and revivals!

March 2025 Key Dates

Mar 1 – Venus stations retrograde, 10°50 Aries
Mar 2 – Mercury conjunct Neptune
Mar 3 – Mercury enters Aries
Mar 11 – Mercury conjunct Venus
Mar 12 – Sun conjunct Saturn
Mar 14 – Full Moon TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, 23°57 Virgo
Mar 15 – Mercury stations retrograde, 9°35 Aries
Mar 17 – Sun conjunct North Node
Mar 19 – Sun conjunct Neptune
Mar 24 – Sun conjunct Mercury
Mar 22 – Venus cazimi/Venus Star Point (2°40 Aries)
Mar 27 – Venus enters Pisces
Mar 29 – Mercury conjunct Neptune
Mar 29 – New Moon PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE 9°0 Aries

MARCH Horoscopes


Venus makes a retrograde trip back into your sign this month, indicating an important personal review is in the works. The mystical undercurrents of this process should stir you to take a closer look at issues of self-worth and authenticity. Happy birthday! With the deep resets of eclipse season in play, these are significant energies to begin your new solar year with. Relational experiences may factor in, asking you to release something as you swim towards the ocean of yourself. Let yourself dream and vision as you ride the waves of rebirth.


March brings the last of the current set of eclipses through your sign—this particular journey of personal rebirth is on its final leg. What has emerged in this process, Aries? These portals have been in play since 2023, inviting you to both claim and release aspects of your identity. March’s Venus retrograde calls in yet another important piece, asking you to think mystically about who you are.


Venus is your ruling planet, Taurus, making her retrogrades highly significant personal processes. Expect potent deep dives in March and April. Your core values will be tested and redefined through challenges in relationships and the hidden realms of your psyche. Through this, rebirth is granted.


This eclipse season may instigate important changes involving your home or career. And, with two inner planets retrograde in March, you may find turnarounds in friendships, creative processes, and various communications. The energy is quite flowy and a bit confounding. Do your best to ground and anchor while tuning into the spiritual guidance available in these unusual times. 


Your career trajectory has been released, reworked, and possibly re-established over the last couple of years. If you’re still trying to find your footing with your new path, this eclipse season may bring an important final piece into play. Retrograde energies are present through Venus and Mercury this month, but with Mars finally advancing forward through your sign, you should begin to feel stronger, healthier, and more decisive.


The deep, complex journeys often allow us to discover a fuller perspective of life and the beauty it contains. This month weaves together themes of crisis and awakening, met through explorations of higher truth. Allow March’s obscurations to be passages toward realization, Leo.


You’ve got an eclipse in your sign this month, Virgo! An event like this tends to catalyze shifts in identity. Expect your personal reinvention to unfold over the next couple of years. Retrogrades in your solar 7th house point to important relational matters that need to be addressed. Don’t over schedule yourself this month. Time for rest and self-care is extra important during these transitional times.


The dynamic between you and one or several important others has been embedded in your evolutions over the past couple of years, Libra. I imagine things have felt both obscured and uncomfortably apparent in this process. March brings yet another opportunity for these explorations and the opportunity to own something important at a soul level.


Invisible energies are present in myriad throughout March. There is a dream that is calling you and, as dreams tend to be, this can be lovely, changeable, and discombobulated. Reconfigurations may involve children, creative processes, and romantic experiences. 


March’s eclipses are likely to rework something in your career, possibly asking you to consider how your creative efforts mesh (or don’t!) with what you are doing. Additionally, things seem to be up involving your home or emotional connections to family. You may be doing a lot of processing and feel the need for solitude this month. New energies await on the other side of this passage.


You’ve been navigating a sea of questions with various uncertainties coloring your day-to-day activities. The good news is that wading through this fog may result in important revelations, particularly those involving higher truth. Experiences involving home and family are primed for a major reset, with this month’s eclipse season triggering these deep dimensions of your chart. These developments may occur in the coming weeks or sometime in the next 6 months.


Important resets around finances will be delivered this eclipse season. To get to the other side of this energy, you’re going to have to do some work exploring unconscious beliefs surrounding self-worth. Your connection to resources—and the balance of giving and receiving—is at the heart of these transformations. The process may be messy and emotionally intense but can help provide important insights into the creation of a prosperous life.

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