In January, the North Node migrated into Pisces, while the South Node simultaneously entered the opposite sign of Virgo. With February bringing a slew of planets into Pisces, the new Nodal energies will be felt strongly this month. In particular, spiritual, and imaginative dimensions are stirred by Nodal conjunctions from both Venus and Neptune. Everything from loss to the bliss of dreamy release, mystified confusion, escapism, and inspired creativity can be found within these amplified Piscean dimensions.
Shortly after her conjunction to the North Node, Venus enters Aries, however, with a retrograde around the corner, Venus won’t make it all the to the end of Aries before she turns back to the waters of Pisces. Venusian developments through February foreshadow the upcoming regressions and reconfigurations faced in March.
On Feb 4, as Venus enters Aries, Jupiter stations direct at 11° Gemini. Jupiter’s retrograde through its sign of detriment has dimmed the blessings of this benefic planet. Now, as Jupiter turns, related processes advance. Learning, thinking, and communication will begin to wake up as Jupiter gains forward momentum through Gemini and new clarity may be found in topics connected to the house Jupiter transits through in your personal chart. More on Jupiter’s journey through Gemini (including horoscopic predictions) can be found here.
Mercury transits Aquarius and Pisces this month, reaching cazimi at 20°59 Aquarius on Feb 9. Mercury enters Pisces on Feb 14. The Sun follows suit, ingressing into Pisces on the 18th.
The Full Moon on the 12th lights up the Leo-Aquarius polarity, bringing considerations surrounding individuality, creative expression, and collective belonging. The Leo Moon forms a tense square to Uranus, signaling unexpected shifts or disruptions. With Neptune’s simultaneous conjunction to the North Node, peak moments of the lunar cycle may involve a hazy or dreamy quality. The strength of Neptune’s influence also indicates loss, release, or untethering from previous solidity, experienced through much of the month.
On the 23rd, Mars (finally!) comes to the end of its retrograde, stationing direct at 17° Cancer on February 23rd. The Moon opposes Mars on this day, heightening emotional experiences with this shift of direction. Trines from Neptune and the North Node add even more watery sensitivity to the picture.
This time of year can be cold, dreamy, and full of unmanifested energies and dreams. The exaggerations of the North Node in Pisces make this all the more true the month. February hints towards future rebirth but also brings the disorientations which come from being immersed liminal spaces. The Pisces New Moon, which slides in at the end of the month, fits neatly into these themes. With aspects to newly direct Mars and Jupiter, the New Moon marks a point of reset from the halts and revisions of the winter’s retrograde. With all the water in the sky, new beginnings are fertile, tender, and protected from rational judgement. conscious may be quite tender, as well as filled with hidden fertility. filled with the fertility possibilities of subconscious of creative of the creative power that arise from subconscious dimensions.
February 2025 Key Dates
Feb 1 – Venus conjunct Neptune
Feb 3 – Venus conjunct N Node
Feb 4 – Venus enters Aries
Feb 4 – Jupiter stations direct
Feb 9 – Mercury cazimi 2/9, 20°59 Aqua
Feb 12 – Full Moon, 24°06 Leo
Feb 14 – Mercury enters Pisces
Feb 18 – Sun enters Pisces
Feb 22 – Neptune conjunct N Node
Feb 23 – Mars stations direct, 17°01 Cancer
Feb 27 – New Moon, 9°40 Pisces
FEBRUARY Horoscopes
You may find processes you’ve been mired in moving on or receiving the necessary juice for completion by the end of the month. Something has been brewing (or, possibly, struggling to brew) at home, in the foundational structures of your life. The Full Moon on the 12th could shake things up, bring a new piece into play, or reveal something about this situation. Money matters are complemented or confounded by the North Node’s entrance into Pisces and, with the New Moon on the 27th landing in chart territory tied to your finances, you may find yourself ready to formulate a new plan around money. If you’ve been in a slump with the Mars retrograde, take hope in the fact that the end is in sight. Next month you should see yourself moving forward with daily habits and routines, finding a bit more comfort (and energy) in habitual practices that support self-development.
Gee wiz, Pisces, you’ve got a lot of planetary activity in your sign this month! And with the eager energies of the North Node here as well, you’ll feel mystical possibilities amplified in the ocean of your dreamy zodiacal body. This could awaken and inspire, but it could also confound and muddle. You’ll be in the dream one way or another. The New Moon on the 27th is a cool new beginning for you and speaks directly to what you’ve been reworking through this Mars retrograde. Align your intentions with this lunation, incorporating lessons of the last couple of months, to gently push forward.
February brings the final pieces of the months-long Mars retrograde that’s been in play since December of last year. As a child of Mars, you’ve likely felt a bit slowed down through this regression, with home, family, children, personal security, and self-expression offering much food for thought. February’s Full Moon could bring an answer, an exposure, release, or potent deliverance for something you’ve been working your way around. Mars stations direct on the 23rd and, while this may seem like a moment for celebration, redirects could feel suspended as Martial experiences pause during this celestial turn. Additionally, all the planets in Pisces (the sign behind your own), point to the presence of the pre-birth incubations that live in this dreamy time of year. Let yourself lean into this space, gathering internal resources and subtle information. All of this will be of utmost support for the fresh starts you can expect to find this spring.
This Full Moon lights up prime territory in the Taurus chart, bringing important scenarios surrounding home and career front and center mid-month. You may find yourself caught trying to figure out how to shine your own light while also feeling the need to put personal needs aside in order to serve others. Behind whatever questions emerge with the Full Moon, is something you’ve been dancing around this Mars retrograde. Namely, something involving your daily interactions (such as communcations with neighbors and siblings, social media usage, and movements around town) has been called back in some way. As the month closes, you’ll find a new path forward. Intense, emotional experiences may be involved in the lead-up to realizations of new directions.
With so much action in Pisces, February swims with dreamy energy. As a fellow mutable sign, you experience these floods in angular territory of your solar chart where your big-picture persona must be integrated with this watery deluge. Career, in particular, is confused or inspired by this activity. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t seem to hold it altogether. February is more about creative inspiration and hidden liberations than concrete steps forward. As Jupiter picks up speed from its station, you’ll find new insight that helps you announce who you are to the world.
With Mars retro-trekking through your own sign, you’ve probably been undoing or reconsidering a few parts of your persona. These kinds of regressions can be helpful when it comes to dismantling psychological patterns and taking a closer look at how you support yourself. Alongside these deeply personal considerations, the planets in Pisces flood your heart-mind with questions about ultimate reality, having you dream into your beliefs on a social, philosophical, and religious level. The slowness of the Mars station may bring a feeling of suspension to your life, however, as Mars picks up speed in March you’ll find yourself renewed in ways that may currently seem out of reach.
This Mars retrograde has been a big one for you, Leo. With the ground Mars has retraced over the past couple of months, I expect you’ve been in fairly introspective territory. Mental health in particular, down to your subconscious processes, has been churned up for Leos this retrograde. February brings the last leg of this work and invites you to deeply and truly let go of something that’s been sitting unresolved. With the Leo Full Moon highlighting an important relational situation in your life, you may find releases and reconsiderations triggered through partnership. As Mars turns direct later in the month, steps forward may feel halted, but in the weeks and months that follow, you’ll find yourself cleansed and renewed by the releases you’ve made during this complex period.
As a Virgo, the compassionate and mystical qualities of Pisces flows through your thoughts and feelings about love and partnership. The concentration of planets in Pisces this month makes this softening, dreamy influence (and its relational implications) particularly powerful. February’s New Moon lands within this ocean of planets, providing stillness and a beautiful opportunity to reflect. What is the dream you wish to create? With Venus retrograde around the corner, there should be plenty of opportunity to dive into these mystical explorations in the months ahead.
With Mars falling backwards through the sign of Cancer, retrograde reversals and revisitations are delivered into highly significant territory in your solar chart. Cancer’s cardinal energies square your own, Libra, and arise in the most public dimension of your life. Perhaps you’ve found important career adjustments, revisions, or reversals in this process. February brings the final chunk of this regression and, with the Full Moon mid-month, questions surrounding your creative processes and their reception from others will be activated in a way that deposits another piece into this process.
While modern astrologers designate Pluto as Scorpio’s planetary ruler, Mars will always hold its place as the traditional driver of your sign’s energies. Ever tied to Martial vibrations, you’ve probably been feeling the effects of Mars being both retrograde and in fall. This process requires you to do some delicate rebalancing and has likely involved some soul-searching around the truth you anchor yourself to. February’s Full Moon brings the luminaries into a square with your sign and lights something up about how you experience yourself in the world. You may experience a change, realization, or significant break involving your career or relationship.
The swim of planets through Pisces puts a lot of action in deep, angular territory of your chart and you may feel particularly absorbed by the internal dimensions of yourself. These transits also magnify experiences surrounding home and family, providing a dreamy or murky quality to situations. Escapism, bliss, surrender, and healing are all possible with these energies. The Full Moon is very active this month and you may find its peak energies trigger something with job or perhaps health. Financial processes and issues of security are currently being reworked with the end of February offering a chance to create a new plan that will help you find your footing forward.
Mars’ retrograde has taken the Red Planet backwards from Leo into Cancer, where revisions and reconsiderations arise in the sign opposite your own. This placement brings relational matters front and center (as well as backwards and reversed) for Capricorns. Perhaps questions have arisen as old wounds and questions considering security have demanded attention. All of this can ultimately help you create a more stable container for yourself and the partnership you desire in your life. The New Moon marks a clear point from which these new possibilities can emerge. You may find a short trip, experiences with a sibling, neighbor, or your local community offer support as you realize the path ahead.