Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: Rest, Release and Letting Go

On Friday March 14 there will be a total lunar eclipse at 23 Virgo.

This eclipse is near the South Node. In addition to the typical eclipse themes of instability, uncertainty and disruption, this eclipse will also highlight letting go, endings and depletion.

This lunar eclipse on the South Node is about clearing and releasing.

You might feel tired or spent, like you have nothing left to give. You might come to understand where you are a bit mentally frazzled, or where your body has gone beyond its limits.

I’ve been hearing all week of people getting swept up in major spring cleaning type projects – sorting out a closet, clearing out cupboards or the basement and generally wanting to reduce and simplify. These are all themes of the Full Moon eclipse near the South Node.

Podcast all about the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo

I recorded a recent podcast all about how to work with the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. You can catch that episode on You Tube here, or listen via Apple or Spotify.

Here are three points about this eclipse:

  • It’s the first in a new, two-year sequence of South Node eclipses in Virgo.
    This means you might get fresh insights about where in your life you’re ready to let go, cleanse, detox and purge. Look to the topics of the Virgo house in your chart to see where in life you’re ready to simplify. You may find you have new ideas about productivity or even purpose around this area of life. If so, in turn this will mean you need new routines and habits.
  • The eclipse is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is about to go retrograde (starting March 15) and so this eclipse asks you to look back before you can move forward. You might need to address unfinished business, or finalise a lingering situation. It’s about sorting out the old, dealing with the past rather than activating something new.
  • Mercury is in the 8th house position relative to the eclipsed Moon in Virgo. This can highlight 8th house topics like money, investments, taxes, retirement savings, as well as mental health and your psychological state. It may be no surprise given the eclipse is in a sign ruled by Mercury (and with Mercury about to station retrograde) that taking care of your mindset and mental state will be top priority. Breathing practices, time in nature and breaks from technology/the internet maybe some of the simplest, most healing things you can do.

What topics are coming up for you around this Lunar Eclipse in Virgo? Can you see the links to themes you’re ready to explore and find new release around for the next two years?

For more on this specific eclipse, catch my recent podcast episode here. For more basics about eclipses, you might like this Eclipse Fact Sheet blog post or this webinar on Eclipse Essentials.

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