S2 – Ep 27 – Venus conjunct Saturn: Duty Before Pleasure & Room for Self-love

Venus conjunct Saturn often brings a sense of work first, pleasure after.  This is a time where keeping our promises and commitments is important. Venus conjunct Saturn removes rose-coloured glasses that might be tinted your perspective, especially in close partnerships and relationships.  This pattern is just beginning and will be revisited in April of this year as Venus again moves into a conjunction with Saturn. 

Kelly then provides examples of two charts of artists who have Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces to help further solidify your understanding of this aspect. 

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Show Notes

Hi There and welcome to this week’s episode of the Kelly’s Astrology Podcast.

There are a lot of aspects happening as we head into this third week of January, the week starting Jan 18. There’s one in particular that’s caught my eye, which I’m going to explore for you today, and that is Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces.

This is actually an aspect we will have three times in the coming months, thanks to Venus’ upcoming retrograde. And there are two famous creative people I’ll mention briefly who were born with this exact aspect.

Before I do, I want to let you know that I share detailed weekly videos into my astrology guide membership. If you’d like even more tips on timing and astro insights on the astrology of the week ahead, I’d invite you to join the community. You’ll get exclusive info that I only share with members, plus access to quarterly member only Q and As. Membership means you also get monthly worksheets to help you time your life with astrology.

So back to this week’s Venus conjunct Saturn aspect. Even though I’m talking about this aspect in the context of the astrology of the week, you’ll find this useful if you have Venus conjunct Saturn in your birth chart too. 

Venus will conjunct Saturn at 16 Pisces on Jan 18/19

This is the first in a sequence of three aspects, 

  • April 8, 25 Pisces
  • April 25 27 Pisces

Info for this weekend, but also part of a pattern that you’ll revisit in April.

Venus/Saturn key words/concepts

Duty before pleasure – delays with enjoyment

Realisations about relationships

Clarity around commitment, wanting to clarify commitments, make long term plans with loved ones

Exploring topics of self worth, deservingness, can you bring more self acceptance for what is, and for what is having value?

Take responsibility for your own enjoyment, for making time for connection, relaxation 

maturity and wisdom emerging that helps with relationships

Realisations around pleasure, joy, sweetness

The need to balance work with leisure/down time

The cost of not resting, having fun

Necessary, important, long term choices/clarifications with significant others

Clarifying duties/roles, expectations in relationship

Love of solitude, needing aloneness for creative output, embracing limits to support your art, relationships that happen in private

Venus is exalted as she makes these aspects to Saturn, so there is good here to access. Being diligent and responsible can have valuable pay offs.

A quick search in Solar Fire lead me to two important figures who were born with Venus conjunct Saturn in pisces.

Musician Kurt Cobain and photojournalist Lee Miller

Cobain/Nirvana – pivotal in the grunge music space, creating a musical legacy that continues to influence artists today. His lyrics spoke to pain he couldn’t express, and touched the hearts of many young people.
Granted part of the evocative nature of Cobain’s lyrics likely comes from his Mercury, which was also in Pisces.
*also had Sun and Mercury in pisces, PM Venus

Lee Miller – had to fight her way into being a photojournalist during WW2, took some incredibly haunting images, juxtaposing the beauty of nature with the horrors of war. Helped develop new techniques and styles in the photography. After the war focussed her work on images of women at work, especially in hospitals. 

*had Sun in taurus, Mercury in Aries, AM Venus

Both made important artistic contributions in their field and left substantial legacies.

Inspired by these two individuals, and these ideas of important developments as well as legacies as part of the Venus conjunct Saturn aspect, you might consider 

What new expression of what you love or create can you help bring into being? During these next few months, under this Venus conjunct Saturn sequence of aspects.

How can you put energy, time and effort into offerings or relationships that might form part of your legacy? 

If you’d like even more on the many astro aspects happening this week, I hope to see you inside the membership.

Thanks so much for joining me – see you next week!

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