Like the von Trapp family in The Sound of Music, many of us find ourselves trying to escape from Nazis even now, writes John Longhurst.
MICK LANDED the schooners and with hands on hips, eyeballed the group.
“Right. We are not talking about Trump. The bloke gets so much publicity we might as well go back to two colour newspapers and television. Instead of black and white, it will be black and orange.”
A couple of chuckles followed by a lengthy silence.
Bazza took a measured sip and rubbed his chin.
“I’m with you for once, Mick, but I would point out that orange is typically the colour of prison uniforms in the United States so…”
Mick glared at Bazza.
“I am serious, Bazza. My anxiety levels are through the roof. I suggest we talk about something lighter and reassuring, like The Sound Of Music. You know, it is 60 years since the release of that movie. Where did those six decades go?”
“Know-all” Ron cleared his throat and was greeted with an expectant look from Mick.
“Some very interesting facts about The Sound of Music, Mick. For starters, in the opening scene, ‘The Hills are Alive’, Maria (Julie Andrews) was repeatedly blown over and ended up in the mud from the downward draft of the helicopter used in the filming. Also, the critics bagged the film on release but it went on to be number one within four weeks. Funnily enough, it was a hit in every country it was released except Austria.”
Bazza gazed out the window as Mick shook his head repeatedly.
“How do you do it, Ron? You seem to be able to peel off facts on any random topic. I reckon you would qualify for Mensa.”
Bazza curled his lip as Ron sucked in a big breath and leaned in.
“But they got the geography all wrong in the film, Mick. Salzburg is more than three hours from the Swiss border. In fact, the route the von Trapp family takes in the film when escaping Austria would have sent them straight to Berchtesgaden, Hitler’s summer retreat.”
Ron paused for a sip and enjoyed the silence.
“Now the piece of trivia I like the most about the film, Mick, is the von Trapp children all wore implants in their shoes. The movie was filmed over six months and the implants were used and adjusted to account for the growth of the children during filming.”
Mick clicked his tongue and let out a low whistle.
“Wow, Ron… artificial intelligence has not got a patch on you. You should be paying closer attention, Bazza. You need to broaden your horizons. I bet you did not even know The Sound of Music was released 60 years ago.”
Bazza stifled a yawn.
“You’ve got me there, Mick. In fact, I never even found out whether the von Trapps escaped from the Nazis.”
Furrowed brows all around.
“You see, I saw the film as a kid back in the 1960s. Back in those days, the local baker sponsored a pie-eating competition during intermission. I was lucky enough to get selected and beat the field with five pies in under five minutes. Now, I should have been happy with that effort but…”
Jaws remained lowered.
“I really should have resisted the milkshake drinking challenge. By the time Captain von Trapp leads the singing of ‘Edelweiss’, I had managed to change the colour of my older sister’s treasured Mary Jane shoes and spent the remainder of the film in the toilet.”
John Longhurst is a former industrial advocate and political adviser. He currently works as an English and History teacher on the South Coast of NSW.
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