Let’s Go Fly Several Kites – Anne Ortelee Astrology

Dear friends,

I hope you’re all well and taking good care of yourselves and loved ones!

The next New Moon takes place on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 6:57 PM Eastern US time, when the Sun and Moon meet up at 14 degrees, 23 minutes Cancer. Their union stimulates the Eclipse points from March 25 and (especially) April 9 — the April Eclipse was at 19 degrees Aries — squaring them, and bringing up the stories and (especially!) the conflicts from that moment of our lives. (What were you worried about in March and April?)

This energy is especially potent for those of us who live in North America, as the April Eclipse’s path of totality crossed over our part of the globe.

The fact that this is the first New Moon of the summer season makes it extra potent for manifestation, too.

The Moon is out-of-bounds right now, and remains so in the New Moon chart, which makes us emotionally volatile inclined to catastrophize. Pallas Athena and Ceres are OOB, too: be careful that you don’t get caught dreaming up unworkable strategies while leaving practical tasks unaccomplished. Out-of-bounds planets make for a roller coaster energy: high highs, low lows. And the Moon is by its nature changeable.

The New Moon in Cancer is exactly opposite Ceres in Capricorn, leading to conflicts about death and rebirth, tradition and the passage of time. The fact that it’s the first New Moon of our Summer Season (which I discussed in my recent Cancer Ingress video) makes it extra potent for manifestation.

The New Moon chart has not one, or two, or three, but FOUR Mystic Rectangles — along with two Grand Trines (which together form a Star of David), and six Kites . . . most of which have Earth and Water energy. Kites fly high and whip around quickly. It’s a GREAT time to take a bird’s eye view of your life, and get your energy moving in new, expected, AND unexpected directions.

Remember: we can manifest results without intending to! Despite our flowy, fluctuating moods (hope, despair), it’s wisest to keep redirecting attention and energy toward what we want to create, rather than dwelling on what we don’t want!

So if you’d like to learn more about the New Moon and the way it lands in YOUR natal chart, please join me TONIGHT for my Cancer New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar.

Big hugs,


The New Moon in Cancer
Friday, July 5, 2024 at 6:57 pm EDT
Chart for Washington DC

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