The Sun transited into Aquarius from February 12th until March 14th. The Sun is in the 7th position from Leo, which is like sunset and is a weak place for it to be, and because Aquarius is co-owned by Rahu and Saturn, it is not a picnic. Sun is one of the symbols or karakas for health and vitality, and also for medical doctors. Through the first few weeks of March, Saturn afflicts the Sun, so you have to stay on top of your health with proper diet, disciplined exercise, and regular yoga. Planets are considered weak when they are seven houses from their home, and that is the case with the Sun in Aquarius and seven houses from Leo. If you are Leo rising, the Sun may particularly feel tired and run-down.
The Sun is not without an affliction, as Saturn will be conjunct with it on March 12th and strongly influence the first few weeks of March. We will write about this in our article about Saturn’s combustion soon.
If you are Aquarius rising, Sun or Moon, it is one of the more complex rising signs. Ruled mainly by Rahu, the North Node, and Saturn, it is connected to astrology, the occult sciences and healing, and biomedical research and invention. It is connected to the occult forces ushering in new civilizations and new-thought currents. The symbol for Aquarius is the pitcher, which should be empty because Aquarius is an air sign. Without any benefics like Jupiter or Venus or Mercury aspecting connected to the sign of Aquarius or its ruler, individuals born under this sign can be unhappy and sorrowful and have a lot of past karma, and Aquarians born under Shatibishak nakshatra (Aquarius 6.40-19.59) have an extreme interest in the healing sciences and technology. Still, Aquarians are highly spiritual people who need to turn to the Divine to ease their sorrows; if this happens, many of their heavy burdens are lightened. By nature, they are interested in liberation because Saturn owns the 1st and the 12th houses.
Aquarians are very intelligent and often interested in astrology. Mercury owns the 5th and 8th houses, and Mercury transiting through Aquarius now until early April will promote deep philosophical inquiry and movement toward studying astrology.
The Sun moves into the constellation of Satabhishak on Feb. 19th-March 5th, connected to Rahu and the constellation of 100 physicians, so it is a time for healing. While this constellation suits technology and invention, I find this transit difficult. It can bring more irritation toward the government, so there is no time to speak to a police officer about a traffic violation. People born with this configuration may suffer from low self-esteem and not being reliable and may over-compensate, making the ego and the Sun out of balance. They may suffer from not living up to their high standards.
This is an emotional churning of the transit that can lead us to adopt unhealthy habits and poor eating routines and indulge in abused substances (like sugar) to deal with the emotions. Rahu is in Pisces and is more mellow and will pursue new spiritual avenues and new-age things. When the Sun is in Rahu’s nakshatra, it channels Rahu’s energy and creates a planetary association. Be aware that an afflicted Sun by Rahu can create more excitable restless and agitated emotional energy. You must calm it down with yoga, calming herbal teas, coconut water, and coconut milk, and avoiding spicy foods.
This will lead to imbalances in the emotional body, and one will seek some way to placate oneself, so we reach for some sugar or other substances that are not good for us. This may create emotional eating and can lead to disease and imbalance in the body. Be aware. Take immune system boosters like Colustrum and echinacea, olive leaf extract, Vitamin C and Vitamin D, and zinc to boost your immune systems, rest more, and not stay up too late.
Find healthy ways to release energy with yoga, meditation, and exercise, or yell at the top of your lungs in an empty car while driving. If you cannot release, you may tend to overwork, overeat, or stay up late binging, watching 13 episodes of your favorite series on Netflix, which will get you out of balance.
As always, we try to write general forecasts for the populace, but transits are 20% of prediction and subject to the larger cycles you are running. Reading charts is like reading DNA strands, and people are unique. If you need a reading or an update on what is happening, visit our website.
The Sun moves into the constellation of Purvabhardrapada (Aquarius 20-Pisces 3.20) (March 5-17), and the Sun/ Jupiter association always promotes optimism, confidence, and good feeling. Still, it is a troubling and complex dark energy and can bring up sexual addictions if you have not learned to channel your energy upward toward spirituality through austerity. It will be complex with Saturn in that constellation until it leaves Aquarius in late March.
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