When Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on March 14th, even playful fighting words can spiral into misunderstandings. Remember: If there’s something incendiary you’re burning to express, an unsent letter or a scream into a pillow can work wonders.
Though this kind of frankness can be thrilling, there’s an important reason to temper the flames of our boldest thoughts during this transit. This retrograde period partially coincides with eclipse season — and on March 29th, the solar eclipse in Aries occurs just before Mercury re-enters Pisces. It pays to be extra circumspect in your exchanges around this date, when it’s all too easy for wires to get crossed and feelings to get hurt.
Eclipses can be activating, and with the planet of communication backtracking at the same time, err on the side of reflection rather than reaction. Pour your heart out in your journal pages. Interrogate the inner critics, unhelpful stories, and negative self-talk patterns that are due for a reset. And if you find yourself in a conversational horn-lock, give yourself permission to exit the chat and protect your nerves.
There’s no such thing as too many pep talks when either a Mercury retrograde or an eclipse season is dishing out plot twists. Thankfully, Mercury in Aries loves a hyped-up morale-boosting session. Think: inspiring coach with a boisterous, rebellious streak. Over the coming weeks, no matter how the cosmos rolls the dice, trust that you’ve got the ace of a can-do attitude up your sleeve.
Aries & Aries rising
With Mercury in Aries, your communication is crackling with courage.
You’re not a stranger to acting on impulse, and right now your ideas are flying off the shelves like proverbial hotcakes. Keep a notepad or memo app handy to record your thoughts while they’re still sizzling with life (a café napkin will do the trick in a pinch).
Just remember to take a breather before hitting the “publish” button or offering a piece of unsolicited advice. Pausing will help you pinpoint your true gems of insight.
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Taurus & Taurus rising
Ready for a retreat? While Mercury is in Aries, your boldest ideas are likeliest to strike when you’re taking a shower or wandering in nature.
The more you tune out the world’s hubbub, the easier it is to tune in to the stirrings of your subconscious. If you want to cocoon at home with a book instead of attending a party, trust your instincts. Turn off your phone’s notifications a few hours before bed. When you fight for your right to rest, you affirm your connection to your inner wise one.
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Gemini & Gemini rising
Group chat all lit up? Over the coming weeks, the conversation is yours to kick off in your social networks, activist circles, and workshops.
You’re no stranger to sharing your ideas, but with Mercury in Aries, your words cut deeper than usual. You might even find yourself in the thick of your 15 minutes of fame. So trust your impulse to weigh in, whether you offer a spicy disclosure on a podcast or a piece of advice to a friend. The world needs the courage of your convictions.
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Cancer & Cancer rising
It’s time to trust your instincts in your public-facing world.
While Mercury is in Aries, your first thought may be the best thought in your professional paths and larger life goals. If you have a hunch about a bold career pivot or a burning desire to volunteer at a bake sale, don’t hesitate. You don’t need permission to pursue what makes you feel more alive — and you definitely don’t (yet) need a five-year plan.
Right now, making it up as you go along is its own thrill. Roll the dice.
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Leo & Leo rising
Commit to the long-term plans and educational pursuits that thrill you most.
With Mercury in Aries, your instincts are your best traveling companions, so trust the book that falls off the shelf or the conference flyer that immediately intrigues you. If you’re venturing into new terrain as a seeker or explorer, don’t be afraid to think out loud or ask silly questions.
The truths you’re chasing don’t want you to play it safe. And when you leave your preconceived notions at the door, the eureka moments come rushing in.
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Virgo & Virgo rising
The collaborative sparks are flying.
Over the coming weeks, co-creation is the spice of life, especially when you heed your boldest instincts. So reach out to that dream podcast guest. Express what’s on your heart in a merger instead of biting your tongue. And if your chore roster needs wrangling or a friend still owes you for a split bill, take the initiative.
Every give-and-take dynamic is a dance, but nothing will happen until someone decides to lead. So get the ball rolling — then refine as you go along.
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Libra & Libra rising
Courageous conversations are coming in hot.
While Mercury is in Aries, it’s time to let the cat out of the bag in your closest connections. If your bestie needs you to hype them up, cheer on their bravest ideas. If a partner’s dirty dishes in the kitchen sink are making your blood boil, bring it up once you’re feeling less activated.
Though certain topics are scary to tackle, going there builds up the resilience of your bonds. Over the next few weeks, leading with the truth is a winning strategy.
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Scorpio & Scorpio rising
Routines in a rut? Over the coming weeks, trusting your instincts for your health and wellness keeps things exciting.
If you have a burning desire to commit to a movement practice or learn to do a split, go for it. Investigate the tinctures that immediately intrigue you, or begin your day with a bracing, cold shower and notice what shifts in your mood.
Your everyday work habits don’t need to be perfect. A little trial and error can be thrilling, so give yourself permission to flail.
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Sagittarius & Sagittarius rising
Right now, the rowdiest muses are the ones to chase, especially when you let your adrenaline rushes inspire you.
With Mercury in Aries over the coming weeks, trust your boldest creative instincts, even if they push you into unknown terrain. Shock yourself with a semipermanent dye job, or swipe right on a match outside your usual “type.”
When you give yourself permission to pounce on unexpected pleasures, you remember that life doesn’t always have to be so serious. Even the hardest moments contain artistic, romantic, or comedic gold.
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Capricorn & Capricorn rising
It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get those domestic DIYs done.
Mercury in Aries is amplifying your capacity to tackle tricky tasks — especially the jobs that require some elbow grease. If you feel an urge to deep-clean your fridge or paint your door fire-engine red, go for it. And if there’s an uncomfortable conversation you’ve been meaning to broach with your roommates, address the elephant in the room.
When you take action on your hunches and simmering emotions, you affirm your can-do spirit.
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Aquarius & Aquarius rising
Daily routine in need of a shake-up? Over the coming weeks, scheduled spontaneity is a winning strategy.
Double-dog-dare yourself to try that drop-in dance class or take an unfamiliar detour to work. And the more boldly you can communicate your burning thoughts, the better. So spill the beans to the group chat or the cutie at the coffee shop, and worry later about the repercussions.
If you do one small thing that scares you every day, you remind yourself that there never has to be a dull moment.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Pisces & Pisces rising
Your boldest instincts have a way of bringing in abundance.
Whether you’re selling your creations online for the first time or crowdsourcing funds for a dream project, your bravery is your best financial strategy while Mercury is in Aries. Whatever talent you’ve been hiding away or money habit you’ve been too scared to address, give yourself permission to go there.
Even the stickiest beliefs about resources can be uprooted with a little courage.
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