The “Real” Snow Seeker Scores Thanks to the Thermal Drop Caused by Previous Snow Grains Thunderstorms; Sviščaki, Snežnika, Karst-Dinaric Region, Slovenija


15-April-2023; 07.15PM

It’s NOT a photo that I would normally post on Flickr (it’s a photo taken only as a compendium to my meteorological archives), taken in low light (evening), by hand, and with my inexorable car-prothesis…but even if I had cut it (and even better the asphalt) would remain little and in any case it is NOT a studied photo.

However, it is useful for me to show that after the snow in grains, which caused the temperature to drop by about 10°C in a short time, real (in flakes) snow also arrived in the Snežnik forest area, following the last Tstorm cell, down to 1000m above sea level, more or less, depending on the most affected areas.

It’s a cold that came exclusively from above through precipitation that temporarily lowered the freezing limit from about 1700m a.s.l. down to 1200m…
…about this: normally the snow accumulation limit reaches about 200m below the freezing point, i.e. snowfall with temperatures up to about +0.5°C/+1°C (without accumulations it can drop 500m from the level of thermal 0°C with temperatures up to at +3/+4°C), but only the snow fallen above the freezing point altitude can create a snow mantle, while the one below melts rapidly when the snowfall stop.

In this photo, about the small tourist village of Sviščaki, in the heart of the forest, we are at 1245m a.s.l. and the falling snow became dry with a temperature of -0.6°C

There was no cold air front, there was only the thermal inertia of the air at high altitudes derived from the cold one that had arrived in the previous days.

I must say that I have foreseen this possibility although the decision of the place to go is only the result of chance with irregular and scattered meteorological phenomena.

From mid-spring, with the warming of the areas from which the winter cold comes in the lower layers, i.e., in this area, from Russia and Scandinavia, there are no longer true latitudinal cold advections, but almost exclusively cold descents, through precipitation, in vertical, altitudinal, with progressive and neat warming from May.

Posted by stefano zerauschek on 2023-05-18 16:43:14


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