Hokkaido Gals are Super Adorable Review — C

Our main character moves to Hokkaido and finds out.

I’m not sure why this show got so much hype in the circles I run in. I’ve certainly seen worse, but it was ultimately pretty forgettable. I did appreciate how the setting was slightly different (in Hokkaido) with a different type of female lead, but aside from that it was a thin veneer over the harem anime of the past. A few other things also make it better than these used to be: the main character has a clear preference for one of the girls, and the main character is close to the typical bland protagonist but has a few remaining vestiges of a personality.

It was fine.

  • Storytelling – C – Keeps it simple.
  • Voice – C – Feels generic with minor changes from the usual formula.
  • Characters – B – Pretty decent for the type of show they’re in.
  • Attention Grab – C – I finished even if I wasn’t that enthusiastic.
  • Production – C – Looks fine.
  • Overall – C

Recommendations – Bisque Doll

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