I was in a funk on Friday. I couldn’t focus, my mind was restless, and I felt incapable of making a decision.
As someone in my forties, this is not an entirely unfamiliar feeling! (If you know you know right?!)
But as I ran through all the usual suspects – maybe I didn’t get enough sleep? Did I eat something funny/different? What about hormones/my cycle? Have I just been too busy of late? – I sensed that while some of those factors might apply, there was something else in the mix too.
Finally late in the day, I let my tired brain stop trying to be productive and I ran a bath. As I got into the water, I felt my awareness drop back into my body. For the first time that day, I found some calm as I felt my energy settle.
From that (slightly) more balanced place, I started to run through the current astro to see what if any contribution that might be making to my total funk of a mood. This might just be something that could be filed under #astrologerproblems – let me know if you too are the same?
When I’m feeling particularly prickly or off, in addition to running through usual physical, real life stuff, I also review the current astro to see what if any celestial currents might be influencing matters.
Low Energy and the South Node
I remembered that the Moon was in Virgo and at first was puzzled. Then I reminded myself that the South Node was now in Virgo and for the near future (until July 2026) the Moon in Virgo each month would have some additional (low energy) factors to it.
It wasn’t just a Moon-in-Virgo vibe I was feeling, it was a Moon/South Node combination which is an entirely different quality of energy. Now the tiredness, the worn-outness and especially the lack of mental acuity made total sense.
(To get more technical, the Moon was moving from an opposition to Saturn in Pisces towards the conjunct with the South Node, a kind of malefic enclosure, compromising the Moon (body + mood) and compounding the weary, worn out, in effective qualities.)
This was only the second Moon + South Node in Virgo aspect since the South Node moved into Virgo back in mid-January.
Emptying Out with the South Node
The South Node can deplete or empty out; it’s a point of release, of discharging waste and of letting go that which has become dated, ineffective or even toxic.
As the South Node moves through each Zodiac sign in turn, it highlights what needs to be removed or minimized. It can help highlight what has become harmful or damaging, and what you may be ready to delete or eliminate.
You will have a personal connection to the transit of the South Node in Virgo, based on the topics of the Virgo house in your birth chart. You might think of the Virgo house topics as your personal de-cluttering, simplify and streamline zone for the 18 months that the South Node will transit Virgo.
Separate to what’s happening in your personal chart, there will also be some common themes of the general South Node in Virgo transit.
Since Virgo is a sign of efficiency and organization, you might reflect on what is inefficient or disorganized and connect with what you’re ready to change. You might ask yourself what is standing in the way of improved effectiveness for you?
In Virgo we like to solve problems, to analyse, to assess. This involves high level thinking and intellectual skills. Are you analysing useful topics and areas of life or are you over-thinking about things that don’t really matter or over which you have little control?
Clearing Mental Clutter with the South Node in Virgo
As a sign ruled by Mercury, Virgo has links to the mind.
One way I see the South Node in Virgo transit is that it can help you reflect on both what harms and what helps your mind, and your mindset. And of course, to encourage you to do less of what hurts your thoughts and mental state. To avoid excessive exposure to data, people or worry in general. To reflect on the quality of information you take in and the calibre of interactions you participate in.
Collectively the impact of faulty thinking or a lack of facts might start to show during the South Node in Virgo.
The wounds and worries of the mind might become clear, along with some innovative approaches for how to support and manage such. With the South Node, the strategy is often about less, about reducing. Maybe about reducing (South Node) productivity (Virgo)?
Exploring the Mind/Body Connection in Virgo
Since Virgo is also an earth sign, you may gain insight into the links between the body and the mind and go deeper into understanding the interplay between the two. In Virgo we can’t ignore the physical, the daily activities, the little routines and regular rituals that combine to make up your life.
How can you reduce friction points even in your daily and weekly activities? How can you explore seamlessness and intentional organization? Not being organized for the sake of purely productive outcomes, but rather organizing for a whole, full, well-rounded life?
The South Node also has deep links to spiritual points of view. In Virgo this might show up as genuine service for the shared good, willingly offering some of your efforts to support those around you.
Questioning Productivity with the South Node in Virgo
It might also mean you call into question the point of your productivity – whose goals or dreams are you serving?
The South Node is an unambitious point, it’s not interested in worldly achievement and success, instead it’s interested in quality of experience and connection, in serving higher, more divine ideals. Think Buddhism and ideas of non-attachment.
The South Node in Virgo might inspire you to shift some of your daily labours to more intentional or interesting pursuits, regardless of whether that helps you achieve the encouraged aspirations of modern life.
The Moon and the South Node each Month
Going forward, the Moon will meet the South Node in Virgo monthly.
These might be days of physical tiredness or mental exhaustion, like I experienced last week (especially the months when Saturn is also in Pisces and the Moon will move between Saturn and the South Node).
But they might also be days on which enthusiasm for old habits and tasks escapes you, and you too might be curious about new rituals, routines and interests, in the ideas about less, less stuff, less doing, less productivity.
Moon in Virgo conjunct the South Node (EDT):
March 14, 2025
April 10, 2025
May 7, 2025
June 3, 2025
June 30, 2025
July 28, 2025
August 24, 2025
September 20, 2025
October 18, 2025
November 14, 2025
December 11, 2025
January 7, 2026
February 3, 2026
March 2, 2026
March 30, 2026
April 26, 2025
May 23, 2025
June 19, 2026
July 16, 2025
What are you beginning to question as the South Node settles into Virgo?
For more insight into the unsettled mind of the South Node in Virgo, you might like this past webinar on Malefics of the Mind.
For more information about working with the Nodes by Transit from a traditional perspective, this webinar goes deep.
To keep reading, you might like this blog post on Brene Brown and a personal South Node transit she had, or this post taking a deeper look at the Moon with the South Node in Scorpio.