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16 January 2024: 10 years of Tales of Wedding Rings

Satou and Hime

This anime bed is made of concrete.

I’ve been reading Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari (Tales of Wedding Rings) since it first came out a decade ago. It’s honestly not an especially compelling story, but I got in at the ground floor because I like Maybe, the manga duo who also gave us Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e (To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts) and Tasogare Otome x Amnesia (Dusk Maiden of Amnesia). Wedding Rings is a fairly straightforward Hero v. Evil Menace fantasy story. It’s also one of those deals where the hero’s strength is bolstered by the power of polygamy. There are plenty of stories where magic abilities correspond with boner status (e.g., Dakara Boku wa, Ecchi ga Dekinai and Dokyuu Hentai HxEros, among others), but that’s not quite what’s going on here.

Saphir, Nephrites, Hime, Granart, and Amber

There sure has been a a lot of polygamy anime lately.

Still, the whole going-on-wife-collection-adventures thing sets the tone for what you can expect. I don’t think the anime will attempt to cover the entire manga in a single cours, but I also have my doubts about the likelihood of this getting multiple seasons. Through two episodes, it’s mostly just fine, although I’m less enthusiastic about it since most of what I liked about the manga is how it looks. In comparison, the Tales of Wedding Rings anime simply looks like, well, just another anime. I’m sticking with it, but I can see how anyone coming to the series with a blank slate may be somewhat unimpressed.

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