Paying bride price or getting married to a woman you didn’t disvirgin is an admission of inferiority

🤣🤣🤣🤣. I have been saying this thing since. I just dey laugh. Watch stupid simp men and women wail in the comments 🤣🤣🤣. How can a man pay bride price for a non virgin.Men, do not date stupid women, adrift women, feminists, oloshos, lesbians, virginless women, baby mamas, single mothers, dumb women and other akin women. These women lack manners and are empty upstairs, they have nothing to offer to you, they are goldiggers and greedy women, run from them. Men, have standards and preferences, stop condoning nonsense from women. You are a man, lead and rule, women were made for men. The name woMAN is dominated by MAN with three letters in five letters, the name feMALE is dominated with MAN, with four letters out of six letters. Woman will leave her house, and come to your house, she will leave her fathers name for your name, she will carry your seeds for nine months with sleepless nights, body aches, spitting everywhere, swollen face and bigger nose, you will have authority over her, she is under your lead, you will provide for her. Why will you then be a dingbat for women? Tell me why, why will you act dull for her? Men, be men.

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