Elon Musk went on the offensive while appearing in the Oval Office on Tuesday, with his young son also taking center stage. It was a show of unity between the White House and the head of the Department of Government Efficiency. It was also a show of transparency that didn’t exist under the Biden administration.
Elon Musk answering more questions in the Oval Office than Joe Biden did in 4 years.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) February 11, 2025
Standing next to President Donald Trump, Musk lambasted the bureaucratic state, noting that it is antithetical to democracy to have unelected officials operating outside the authority of elected representatives. No doubt, he was referencing several recent court decisions that have sought to prevent Trump from being president despite his holding of the office.
SEE: Peak Judicial Stupidity Achieved As Judge Makes Himself ‘Webmaster’ for Agency Websites
ELON MUSK: “If the bureaucracy is in charge, then what meaning does democracy actually have? If the people cannot vote and have their will be decided by their elected representatives… then we don’t live in a democracy… It’s incredibly important that we fix that…” pic.twitter.com/Xn5nE3IMPL
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) February 11, 2025
MUSK: So at a high level, you say what is the goal of DOGE or, and a significant part of this presidency is to restore democracy. You might be saying, “Well, aren’t we in a democracy?” Well, if you don’t have…
(Musk’s son starts talking)
MUSK: I tell you, gravitas can be difficult sometimes. If there’s not a good feedback loop from the people to the government, and you have rule of the bureaucrat, the bureaucracy is in charge, then what meaning does democracy actually have? If the people can’t vote and have their will be decided by their elected representatives in the form of a president and the Senate and the House, then we don’t live in a democracy. We live in a bureaucracy.
So it’s incredibly important that we close that feedback loop, we fix that feedback loop and that the public, the public’s elected representatives, the president, the House, and the Senate decide what happens as opposed to a large unelected bureaucracy. That’s not to say there aren’t some good, there are good people who are in the federal bureaucracy, but you can’t have an autonomous federal bureaucracy. You have to have one that is responsive to the people. That’s the whole point of a democracy.
And so, if you looked and asked the Founders today and said, “What do you think about the way things have turned out?” Well, we have this unelected fourth, unconstitutional branch of government, which is the bureaucracy, which has, in a lot of ways, currently more power than any elected representative. That’s not something that people want, and does not match the will of the people. It’s something we’ve got to fix.
This is what Democrats refuse to accept, and for completely cynical reasons. You do not have a democracy if federal bureaucrats can simply override, either directly or through lawfare, any change to the status quo made by the President of the United States. If an agency has such total control that it can stop the executive branch from even changing the content of government websites, that is authoritarianism despite the faceless nature of federal employees. American voters voted for change by electing Donald Trump. They did not vote for federal judges to stop any and all reforms under absurd legal theories.
Democrats see the bureaucracy as a protection of their power structure. As long as it persists, they don’t have to win elections. They can simply continue their reign of terror from the shadows, hiding behind millions of federal employees exercising immense control without any accountability. That’s what Trump is seeking to stop, and it has Democrats screaming bloody murder.
Musk went on to provide some examples of the things his team is finding.
Elon Musk on people over 150-years-old receiving Social Security:
“I think they’re probably dead, is my guess, or they should be very famous, one of the two.”
🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/ATwT1VkH7A
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 11, 2025
MUSK: You know there’s crazy things like, we just finished the examination of Social Security, and we’ve got people in there that are 150 years old. Now, do you know anyone that is 150? I don’t, okay. They should be in the Guinness Book of World Records. They’re missing out. So, you know that’s a case where I think they’re probably dead, or they should be very famous. One of the two.
How is not paying out clearly fraudulent Social Security payments controversial? It shouldn’t be, but when the orange man is bad, there is quite literally nothing Democrats and the press won’t oppose. Let me be so bold as to suggest most Americans don’t want their taxpayer dollars flowing to people who, by all logic, are dead.
.@elonmusk: “We find it sort of rather odd that there are quite a few people in the bureaucracy who have a salary of a few hundred thousand dollars but somehow manage to accrue tens of millions of dollars in net worth while they are in that position… We’re just curious as to… pic.twitter.com/IewBAi91u6
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) February 11, 2025
What Musk mentions there is really the crux of the matter. The federal bureaucracy has been a gravy train for Democrat partisans for decades. Somehow, despite relatively normal salaries (though far too high in some cases), many of these people become fabulously wealthy. How did Samantha Power, who headed USAID during the Biden administration, see her wealth surge up to $30 million holding the position she did? These are questions that deserve answers.
With that said, I promised Musk’s kid stole the show, so here’s one clip of him picking his nose while the billionaire and Trump talk to the press.
Cuteness overload!
Elon Musk is talking about how he’s going to cut the deficit in half and his son X is whispering to President Trump and picking his nose.
Little boys will be boys! It’s nice to see beautiful young families back inside the White House! pic.twitter.com/OTJz4VrO6o
— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) February 11, 2025
There’s something wholesome and refreshing about children being normalized in public spaces again. Whether it’s Musk or Vice President JD Vance, we are seeing a return of kids not being seen as a burden but as a blessing worth cherishing. Once again, it represents a stark contrast to the hateful resentment shown by the left, and Musk calmly answering questions while Democrats screech like banshees is why the latter keep losing.