New Moon In Pisces – The Mermaid Call

On February 27th/28th, 2025, we have a New Moon at 9° Pisces. The Sun and the Moon join an already established Pisces stellium, bringing the total to a record 6 planets in the last sign of the zodiac!

The Sun and the Moon at 9° Pisces lead the way, followed by Saturn (20°), Mercury (24°), the North Node (27°), and Neptune (28°) – a mega-conjunction stellium that intensifies the Piscean pull to materialize dreams, dissolve boundaries, and step into the unknown.

This New Moon in Pisces, with its mystical and otherworldly alignment (Neptune/North Node), reminds us of the call of the mermaid – a force that is both alluring and impossible to ignore.

New Moon in Pisces – The Mermaid Call

Legends say that back in the day, sailors would hear the haunting songs of mermaids echoing across the waves, luring them toward the unknown.

The call of the mermaid is a symbol of longing – elusive, enchanting, and irresistible – that pulls us toward the mystical, the forbidden, and the uncharted.

new moon in pisces and the mermaid song

Sometimes, the mermaid’s call is painted as a seductive danger – like the tales of sailors who found it impossible to resist and were ultimately swallowed by the vast ocean.

However, sailors’ doom is a terrestrial perspective. Not the Piscean, oceanic perspective.

How do we know that these sailors didn’t actually find something extraordinary when they answered the mermaid’s call? Perhaps they married the mermaids. Perhaps they became one with the soul of the ocean. Perhaps they stepped into Atlantis.

The mermaid’s call is a metaphor for the New Moon in Pisces. The New Moon, soaked in the energy of North Node conjunct Neptune, connects us to our deepest longing.

The mermaid is a metaphor for something we long for but can’t fully grasp – like a fleeting dream. The call of the mermaid is our desire to explore something beyond the ordinary.

Water (and the sea) represents emotion, intuition, and the unconscious mind. The mermaid’s call is a magnetic force pulling us toward the possibilities that lie beyond the ordinary.

New Moon In Pisces – (Re)connecting With Our True Essence

Deep inside, we already hold the answers. We already know the path to becoming what we were meant to become.

We are born like a block of marble. The David, the Nike – they are already there, hidden within the stone. Life is nothing more than the process of removing the excess – piece by piece – until the masterpiece within is revealed.

The problem is that in a world where we are constantly bombarded with societal expectations, rules, and conditioned beliefs, we end up forgetting who we are – our inner design, the essence that is unique to us and only us.

Thankfully, the Universe never stops speaking to us – it gives us gentle nods, subtle whispers, and signs along the way. These messages might not be straightforward, but if we close our eyes and allow them to be felt rather than rationalized, then we will KNOW.

Whenever we lose our compass, the call of the mermaid will guide us back to the right path.

Mercury conjunct Saturn might initially make us question or doubt what our intuition already knows.

Yet, the same Saturn can also help us channel ethereal guidance into our earthly, Mercurial minds – bringing structure to the intangible and allowing us to ‘see’ or make sense of what we knew all along.

The New Moon in Pisces – The Aspects

The New Moon is trine Mars in Cancer and square Jupiter in Gemini.

Mars has just turned direct in Cancer, so it has wind in its sails. It’s more determined than ever.

The beautiful trine between the Sun and Moon in Pisces and Mars in Cancer suggests that action arises not from our logical, rational mind, but from our intuition (water signs).

Our choices might not make sense to anyone else, but they will make perfect sense to us.

To move forward, we need to take action (Mars) – even when it challenges our existing beliefs (New Moon square Jupiter).

Truth be told, some of our deepest-held “truths” may not be entirely true after all.

There’s only so far we can go with a purely data-driven, science-based, “I only believe what I see” Jupiter-in-Gemini approach. The soul knows truths that cannot always be measured, quantified, or logically explained.

That is not to imply “don’t look at the data.” Yes, we look at it, see how it can help us, but also recognize its limitations. Then, we take action (New Moon trine Mars) that is aligned with our inner knowing and highest vision (Sun conjunct Moon in Pisces).

New Moon In Pisces – Planting A Seed

The New Moon in Pisces – and New Moons in general – are great times for intention setting. When the Yang (Sun) aligns with the Yin (Moon) a seed is planted.

The seed you are planting at the New Moon in Pisces is not any seed – it is encoded into the greatest vision (North Node conjunct Neptune) of what’s possible.

And if in doubt, Mercury conjunct Saturn is there to remind you that “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”.

New Moons and transits in general do not influence everyone in the same way. They activate a specific house, or area of your life. Knowing how to interpret transits through the houses can help us find greater alignment with the cycles of the universe and with our own purpose.

The goal of working with lunar cycles and transits is not to ‘prepare’, ‘be wary’, or ‘manipulate’ celestial forces in any way.

The goal of working with the Moon and the transits is to find inner and outer alignment – because it’s in this space of alignment that magic happens.

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