In this episode of “Bizarro World”…
One of the most bizarre and laughable claims the left can make was made by an MSNBC guest over the weekend. On Saturday’s “The Weekend” on MSNBC — which is peak Trump Derangement Syndrome on steroids — “journalist” Molly Jong-Fast dropped the following gem (emphasis, mine):
There is not the same strong mainstream non-partisan media there was in 2016. It is much, much, much smaller. So it has fallen on a lot of these Democrats — Democratic senators — to narrate what’s happening, to explain what they’ve seen in the last 7 weeks. And I’ve seen some Democrats do that. … If they don’t do it, no one else will.
Oh, Molly, bless your delusional heart.
While Jong-Fast is right— that a strong mainstream non-partisan media has vanished from America — she, like most Democrats, was right for the wrong reason. The “strong mainstream non-partisan media” ship sailed years ago, giving way to a hopelessly biased left-wing media — that now lives and breathes to trash President Donald Trump and all things conservative.
Jong-Fast also paid homage to self-declared “Democrat Socialist” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and TDS-riddled Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) as examples of “narrating what’s happening.”
You’ve seen Bernie Sanders go in and give town halls where Republicans won’t. Or you’ve seen Chris Murphy narrate — he did a speech on the floor of the Senate where he talked about what had happened in the last six weeks. That kind of stuff — there are some really popular things that Republicans are trying to take away.
Question: What “really popular things” are Republicans trying to take away?
Better question: What “really popular things” are Democrats like Sanders and Murphy lying about Republicans trying to take away?
One more question: Does Jong-Fast honestly believe MSNBC is an example of “non-partisan media,” much less “strong mainstream”? Again, bless her delusional heart. MSNBC and CNN lapdogs have carried water for the Democrat Party for decades — really upping their game when the Democrat prince, Barack Obama, was in the White House.
Berning Out: Hysterical Sanders Embodies Everything Wrong With Democrats After Trump Speech
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The most fascinating — and humorous — thing about left-wingers is while they generally lie to America, they also sometimes believe what they say, particularly about Trump. I’m convinced that Trump Derangement Syndrome is real; it disconnects the rational part of the brain from reality, as Jong-Fast clearly demonstrated.
Look, when you reach the point of calling Trump “Hitler” ad nauseam and declare that he wants to round up his enemies and put them in “concentration camps,” you’ve officially gone ’round the bend far enough that you’re not likely to come back to reality — assuming you were ever there in the first place.
Sipping something loopy out of the Jong-Flask. https://t.co/Ij8iFMoF4I
— Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) March 9, 2025
Did I mention that Jong-Fast later doubled down on her ridiculous claim? Yep, she fired up her Bluesky account — the left’s X (formerly, Twitter) — to declare: “I think I’m right.”
That’s the problem with the delusional among us; when don’t they think they’re right?
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