I love clams, but rarely make them because my husband is anti-shellfish. So while he was away, I had my chance to gleefully indulge myself and make the champagne butter clams.

Even if you aren’t a clam-lover, the garlic bread recipe is the best I’ve ever made. The clams were tender and inviting, and the steaming liquid of Cava, herbs, and butter all but begged to be sopped up by the incredibly delicious garlicky sourdough toast. This buttery clam recipe is a keeper.
I used Cava as my sparkling wine, along with herbs snipped from my garden: parsley, thyme, and chives. Not wanting to waste a mostly full bottle of sparkling wine, I learned via a web search that you can freeze it in cubes for later use, which I will certainly be doing.
Served with some velvety smooth Vichyssoise and some sliced Iberian chorizo.