The final five take on the toughest Challenge | Big Brother Australia

Big Brother makes the housemates sweat as they race to refill their funnels in the nomination Challenge. The first to lose all their …

  1. And I thought Big Brother USA was hard!

  2. They don't know how to play this task…….almost same task was in bigg Boss season 9 (India) and they played it with brain and made that task intresting to watch …

  3. Big Brother show suxs who the hell watches this shit!!!

  4. chad lied to australia about his dead father

  5. Maybe in Big Brother Australia i have a chance to be a Housemate hehehehehe

  6. Coolest challenges ever at bbau

  7. Where can one stream full episodes

  8. these challenges are exactly what i wanted to see in Big Brother Philippines. because some challenges were not challenging enough.

  9. Omg BBIndia is completely different to BBAu

  10. Can we Filipinos join Big Brother AU? Seems much more challenging and interesting

  11. Where to watch full episode

  12. Hope there is a big swap with big brother Philippine and Australia.

  13. Do they hear big brother doing the commentary or is it recorded for the audience?

  14. its creepy with the bot voice

  15. The countdown has begun!

    AUSOnline Games – BIG BROTHER

  16. i loved sophie and chad sooooo much! i hope they r still together…

  17. I feel like Sophie definitely could've won this challenge if it was the normal format (who ever wins the challenge not whoever drops out of the challenge first)

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