‘Big Brother’ Israel contestants told about the Coronavirus – PART 2 (English Subtitles)

Aired on Big Brother Israel 2020 Final – 04.04.20 (Reshet TV) Part 1: https://youtu.be/Xs6JiZsN_D4 Notes: – i cut some inside …

  1. It was unnecessary to splice in clips from that season of Big Brother into the update. The announcement was poorly done and sensationalized things instead of just presenting facts. It featured too many news anchors and not enough raw footage from the outside world that actually showed what was happening. The producers really dropped the ball.

  2. 2:49 is what i heard all the way thru 2020 and 2021. 😥

  3. This was the best one by far out of all the Big Brothers.

  4. I'd literally think big brother was having me on. Giving they showed them this at last minute, they may as well have let them enjoy their last few minutes of not knowing what was going on outside.

  5. Omg the editing made it sound even more dramatic. Sheesh no wonder they're shocked

  6. "perhaps the corona crisis will force Gantz and Netanyahu to finally form a unity government" HAAAA

  7. Big brother Canda:
    “We made sure your families are ok”

    Big brother Israel:
    “Europe is burning”

  8. Es triste, súper impactado el chico de traje beige.

  9. Such a bizarre way to announce it to them

  10. I don’t get the hate?? For me they explained the recent events quite well in a movie trailer-like format. This is a reality game show after all, and this was made for the Isreali audience calm your tits jeez

  11. Woow! No entendí ni madres!

  12. What a sensationalist narcissistic frankenstienen souless representation of real world events… the makers should be ashamed.

  13. What the fuck was that?

  14. They dont even care look at them laughing that why thou s world is going to be fucked

  15. This was such a stupid way to bring the housemates up to speed with the global sitatuation and implecations in their daily lives upon the end of the show

  16. That's a really terrible way of telling them about the news, turning the whole crisis into a movie trailer

  17. It feels like big brother Israel just turned this pandemic into a fucking movie trailer and the reporters are all smiling and saying it’s gonna be ok like wtf show them the rest of the world. Also got weather helps spread disease so that dumbass reporter that said “let’s hope the hot weather will help get rid of this disease” like dude no.

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