Mango Turmeric Ginger Smoothie – Roots and Radishes

This mango turmeric ginger smoothie is packed with nutrients and anti-inflammatory ingredients to leave you feeling nourished and refreshed.

Mango turmeric ginger smoothie topped with coconut chips and chia seeds and hand dipping spoon into smoothie, on beige surface with mango chunks, coconut chips, and white linen.

If you haven’t tried frozen mango in a smoothie yet, allow me to tell you that you must! In my experience, it’s been one of the best frozen fruits for smoothies because it blends up super creamy and thick for a milkshake-like consistency that’s naturally sweet. Add in some fresh ginger root and ground turmeric, and these normally bite-y anti-inflammatory foods are subdued by delicious and sweet mango and other nourishing smoothie ingredients.

Once you blend up this mango turmeric ginger smoothie, you’ll taste exactly what I mean. And you’ll feel good drinking it too!

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