Why Malcolm X Was Killed (1995) | Complete | Zak A. Kondo Conrad Tillard Khalid Muhammad

Why Malcolm X Was Killed lecture moderated by Samori Marksman. Featuring Professor Tony Martin, Professor William Sales, …

  1. Malcom X, I can't stop thinking about you Brother! You are in my mind and soul and everything.
    One love

  2. Mcmichael x Vietnam:USA turned herself against the finest that was send there in that country ! Time was up to go back to world we found out USA real name is called the belly of beast ! Red flag ,put on the street for ten. The leader & teacher. Told truth !

  3. Farakhan was talking nasty even after the assasination of Malcolm . And Elijah was doing things that Malcolm exposed .

  4. Your fake man made traitor religion, equal Islam murdered X

    What I can't understand. How can such educated Black men worship a religion invented in the 7th century just yesterday murdered and enslaved millions of African people including children = the Islamic slave trade.
    What is wrong with (some) Black people. Why can't they see God in themselves instead of the mutants
    (if your not a Black male/female your a mutation with weak recessive genetics = weak spirituality: Doctor Francis Cress. The Isis Papers.

    Farrakhan is just a Gate Keeper. Keeping Black people spirituality confused. Farrakhan knows African spirituality is the only true route to enteral life.
    A Black male/female worshipping Islam = the Arabs is like a Jewish person worshipping a religion invented by Hitler.

    The great Marcus taught us to believe in our melanin dominant superior genetics DNA self. The first creation on planet earth. Not in some Allah, are the fake white Jesus keeping your ass in the air your head to the ground paying 24/7 but still living in shit and poverty whilst the Arabs, Chineses, France, Americans steal Black Africans natural resources.

  5. Wow, it's a significant start to the people removing microplastics from their drinking water.

  6. I’m still sad over how Dr. Khallid was treated by Farrakhan.

  7. The Old dude was correct. The NOI is not the old NOI. It’s Farrakhan’s Nation.

  8. Kondo was amazing. Malcolm was right. When Farrakhan dies the NOI will go through then same thing they did after Elijah died.

  9. Hoover dick sucking ass did it



  12. Who killed Malcolm X is on my channel. “The Nation that Killed MalcolmX”

  13. You say so if the Muslims did Kill Malcolm Malcolm was one to teach yall the techniques to kill…. the man has passed on and you're still hating let the brother rest in peace ..you're nowhere near Malcolm you will get to tht level . as the people we wouldn't care to hear you speak because you sound like a Malcolm hater. 1995 I was 15 now I'm 40 big respect to Malcolm X big respect to Khalid Muhammad

  14. It is popularly Believed by most people who have studied the Topic, that the main reason for the tragic downfall of Malcolm X was his deliberate and defiant disobedience of a direct order from The Honorable Elijah Muhammad to 𝓝𝓞𝓣 speak about the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, correct? If that is true then Malcolm X knew that doing so would have been an act of both Mutiny and Suicide!! So, why would Malcolm X do such a terribly stupid thing? I can not say for sure, but if I were to make a list of reasons, it would probably look something like this . . . . . .

    𝐼 • Since Malcolm X was a 100% Pure Criminal from his childhood, maybe he thought that he could swindle The Nation of Islam away from The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and become its Leader himself??

    𝐼𝐼 • Maybe Malcolm X saw the writing on the wall and realized that the Civil Rights Movement (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the gang) was kicking The Nation of Islam's ass and there was nothing he could do about it!!

    𝐼𝐼𝐼 • Maybe Malcolm X learned that there was much more wrong going on inside of The Nation of Islam (like them working for the FBI or CIA) and he felt so betrayed that he wanted to blow the whole thing up and start all over again!!

    𝐼𝒱 • Maybe Malcolm X just got so tired of the slow and ineffective pace of The Nation of Islam that he started the Muslim Mosque Incorporated and The Organization of African American Unity to do what The Nation of Islam could never do. . . . . unite people of African descent from around the World based on something more important than just a crazy Religion!!

    𝒱 • Maybe Malcolm X was himself an FBI or CIA plant, who volunteered to disrupt or destroy The Nation of Islam because Law Enforcement had much more on him (Murder, Rape, etc. . . . ) than we ever realized!!

  15. Malcolm X's legacy is complex and multifaceted. He is remembered for his unwavering commitment to challenging systemic racism, his advocacy for black empowerment, and his evolution towards a more inclusive stance on human rights. His autobiography, written with Alex Haley, remains a powerful and widely read account of his life and beliefs.

  16. Because he told the truth

  17. Malcolm was a great American and role model.
    He was a man of true honor and character who never stopped learning and growing as a human being.
    And that isn’t allowed in a cult run by bums.
    So the bums killed him.

  18. T.H.E.M. IS NOT ABOVE CRITIQUE……………………..

  19. He’s a 🤡 and that whole organizations is full of 🤡. You ain’t HALF the man Malcolm was, goofy.
    Your a faker and a thug. John Henrik Clarke exposed your fraud ahh. Get yo perm wearing, fake smile having, insecure, jealous ass, Scientologist meat riding tf on outta here. You trying so hard to see 150 years old. When you take ya last breath, it’ll be a day of remembrance of a better man who stood on morals value and principles. Someone who had the courage to stand on his word spoken with conviction. I don’t even like the way you wipe ya mouth with that filthy rag you keep in ya pocket. Slime ball. A snake 🐍 that slithers in expensive suits. 🤦🏿‍♂️

  20. Because he spoke out on Vietnam!

  21. This video depresses me. Black people. Let's move on from Malcolm X. There is nothing to know about why he was killed. Texas billionare, creator and founder of the Nation of Islam, and the father of Lamar Hunt, owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, H.L. Hunt, ordered Malcolm's assasination because he declared that "The chickens came home to roost." in reference to Kennedy being assasinated. Whether or not Malcolm spoke about Elijah's extramarital affairs are totally immaterial to why Malcolm was killed. He was a dead man for rejoicing in Kennedy's assasination. He was going to be killed anyway. Also, Malcolm exposed the NOI as a fraudulant organization of Hunt's, on the same payroll of Hunt as the Neo-Nazis and the KKK. And now, can we get over Malcolm. Malcolm was actually a dead man in 1952, doomed to his demise on the very day that he allowed Elijah take him out of prison and into the Nation of Islam.

  22. The word hypocrite comes to mind with all these "expert" critics of The Nation of Islam, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and Minister Farrakhan.
    Both in the video and in the comments.

    You do the thing that has killed nearly all Black freedom fighting organizations. You want to dig around on the dark side of the moon with no real purpose whatsoever. I'd say you learned that from the white man, so scandal mongering and gossiping makes millions of dollars in tell all rag magazines.
    Yet many of us claim to have knowledge from reading the Bible or Holy Quran which contains stories and information about movements of the dowtrodden and their struggles to get free.
    The reality of the human condition and the threads of the Divine therein struggling to outlast and overcome the hellish human condition, especially in the case of a destroyed Black people.
    You want to focus on what you "what you call negative" and throw away the high vaulted principles of Elijah Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam…In this continuing effort for nearly 100 years to RAISE OUR PEOPLE morally, spiritually, intellectually, economically, in short to be a righteous NATION, THE BEST THING WE CAN DO AS A PEOPLE.
    You are movement killers working with the white man to suck the energy out of The Nation but The Nation Still Stands and is on that Job regardless of you trash pickers…trash is the leftovers after a mighty building is built. It go in the trash to be hauled away but you wanna focus on the trash and ignore the building.

  23. in the last fifty years what has these clowns done

  24. Who follows Malcolm X today? Any follows in this thread.

  25. Beloved Brothers and Sisters of African Heritage,

    In the radiant weaving of our shared history, let us transcend the divisions that intellectual, cultural, or religious differences may seek to impose upon us. Instead, let the powerful force of unity guide our every interaction. With hearts intertwined by love, let us dedicate ourselves daily to enhancing the collective quality of life, uplifting one another in the face of the challenges that have tested our resilience since the dawn of nations.
    May we always seek the common ground that fortifies the ties that bind us, diverting our focus from the trivialities that threaten to separate us. Let our unity be our strength, a beacon that lights the path to a brighter and more harmonious future. In every endeavor, let us stand as each other's guardians, extending a helping hand and a compassionate heart.

    Embrace the differences among us not as barriers but as threads that weave a richer tapestry of our shared identity. In our interactions, let us be generous listeners, valuing diverse opinions and expressions that may momentarily challenge our ego. For it is in these moments that we discover the opportunity to introspect, grow, and refine ourselves.

    Viva Africans! Let the spirit of unity propel us forward, transcending any obstacles in our way. Together, we are an unstoppable force, a testament to the resilience, strength, and unwavering spirit of our remarkable heritage. United, we stand, and united, we shall thrive.

  26. Don't trust this Conrad Tillard at all, what a propagandist and divisor. The other men are great.

  27. I don't know about using the story of Absalom as a means to make your point. Absalom was in the right!!! His half brother Amnon raped his sister Tamar and King David did nothing about it, because he was one of the worst fathers in the Bible!!

  28. This is what Quran and Torah and Injeel should be open what Malcolm going to where Ibrahim and Ismael and his Mother was left where it is said in book before the three wise men from the East And Hajj is done

  29. The stories of Musa Ibrahim they son of Maryarm say he did not come to change laws of Musa

  30. The ship was call what and never met a child of inslaved people names Jesus or what is the name of a salad ces they name children after smart people in many things someone did die eatting laws drinking laws they don't claim to follow

  31. Know Jesus Christ who the Catholic said died for their sins St Paul Peter st Mark warned beware of those who did not know him they say they have a statue called the M of this G

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