CHEATING #RELATIONSHIP #MARRIAGE DONATE NOW: https://www.saveiman.com/fb?utm_source=yt&utm_medium=ali …

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  2. Both men and women are commanded to lower the gaze. I see the men desperately trying to keep their gaze lowered but the sister not so much, do women not take this as seriously as the men?

  3. I’m a Muslim woman, and I don’t agree with the fact that you actually sat these women down in front of cameras like this. Their identity should be protected from this cruel world, don’t forget that your channel is public and non-muslim, kafir can still access to this video.
    Plus, Instead of sitting down, expressing your opinions; why don’t you invite a scholar and answer questions? That would be more profitable because opinions are not relevant in Islam. We follow the Quran and the Hadiths, not opinions

  4. Wasting time & brain power discussing strangers dirty laundry has NO influence or place in your home when you live with moral standards.

  5. Ali dawah bring ur wife on stage have these convo openly with her

  6. 45:53
    I didn't understand why polygamy was for women, can anyone explain it?

  7. Once you realize how easy it can be to get married, that you don’t need to tell the first wife or get her permission, how powerful Misyar marriage (voluntarily restricting your rights) can be and that most madhabs allow marriage even with the intent of divorce. You need to be within at least one madhab’s ruling. There is absolutely no excuse for cheating.

  8. The hijabi wearing black has a kid and is divorced

  9. Shameless, Ali you’re a shameless jaahil and you harmed us. May Allah deal with you

  10. i stopped watching him a year go, he always sound not good to me. now I know my gut feeling was correct you showed a clear evidence , Alhamdulillah, guys dont watch him. he is illogical and uneducated person, go watch omar suleman, mufti mehnk, noman ali khan but not him

  11. You are still make this , Why you dot bring your wife in this show , if you are jealous for your wife and not for another women this is a hipocrisy.

  12. This isn't "Dawah" anymore. Change your name or change your ways.

  13. I find this show very full of fitna and pointless. Non of these convos are beneficial and Islamically point less. Men and women sat together in the same room yapping about useless convos like “why men cheat” blah blah. So dumb. Some may disagree with what I’m tryna say but I just find this stupid like these won’t help you in the grave, unless you speak about actual Islamic knowledge like allahuallam Islamic facts and share cool Islamic knowledge that’ll benefit us for the Akirah but even then you won’t need women in your show. Idk I just find it wrong as that the guys are looking at these women and these women are looking at them, and talking about intimacy, useless debates ect ect. May الله guide us all. Ameen

  14. Ali ask your wife and sister to come on the internet with make up on and showing hair?

  15. No need for a video… her is why men cheat
    1) low eman. Everyone is a sinner and best of sinners are the repeaters
    2) not satisfied sexually. Wife maybe be tired with the kids and work .
    3) communication.

    And the solution to this problem if you are able and just … is to marry a second , third … fourth wife.

  16. I like the idea that more women can have more of a voice. HEAR ME OUT….. what if you still have the sisters there but not shown on the vid. All we hear are their voices.

  17. The comment section filled with hilsrious muskims who all of a sudden have all become scholars.

  18. Why are they always Wearing the same? Is it all made in one day ?

  19. Is anyone here an expert? Why can't you put a screen in between? Why can't it be a call in show? Why can't you have your own wives on? Didn't you apologise for guests speaking about intimacy? Isn't this episode simply about that? And not even giving hypotheticals, questions targeted at the sisters directly "what would you do if your husband cheated on you?"

  20. Maybe the panels motives is being on YouTube i wonder if any one the pannel have any experience to make any opinions advice on porn does that mean they watch it would that mean they would talk off sex positions next and climaxing like the sister before like mentioned in bro hajji video on it, i as a Muslim watching is getting more wispers from shaytan after watching this show

  21. Bitter truth show or rather bitter fitna show or looking at non mahram and talking of porn and sexual climaxing show astagfirulah brother Ali why are you doing this after all your good works

  22. Why is this supposed to be a discussion as Muslims yet no barriers what the hell is this n I guarantee the men on this panel will never allow there wife's or sisters on the pannel why the islamic attire when this is literally should be named the fitna show unbelievable I'm lost for words there advising on the very things they are doing on the panel with may Allah guide us and Give us understanding since when looking at non mahram and talking of sex honourable unbelievable disguising with deen shaytan had duped them for real talking of porn with opposite gender are they advising on things whilst doing the very thing this show is a talking contradiction
    Discussing with woman also watch bro hajji said really good words about this check him out may Allah guide them on this panel ameen

  23. Talking of lowering the gaze whilst looking at non mahram sisters astagfirulah this is a talking contradiction did not allah say do you say on to others what you do not do yourselves may Allah save us from this degeneracy

  24. Most women forgive when men cheat

  25. I’m so over these debates. It all comes down to no fear of God. That goes for most bad things that people do. I’ve unsubscribed. I love uplifting & positive content. Maybe create something with tips on how to be better.

  26. I find this show that is very beneficial.

  27. without MAHDI this show is unwatchable..all those brother have no experience with women.

  28. Great conversation … please bring more of these conversations with sisters in the debate 💐💐🙏🙏

  29. I gotta agree with Ali, the weird disdain towards running away from sisters like they're a veneral disease is very strange and twisted how you gonna function in society like a normal human being if you can't interact without getting a hard on, not even nominal muslims behave like this or even some kuffar

  30. These sort of shows need to stop. Embarrassing man.

  31. It’s a major character flaw like the dark sister mentioned. How you gonna just cheat with no accountability? Sociopath behaviour.

  32. Ali dawah you need a halal job

  33. to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death.
    This makes sense.

    Marriage has become a joke nowadays

  34. Unsubscribed. Brother fear Allah and please stop this show.

  35. There’s no way you say you follow the way of the salaf yet you do a talk show with free mixing men looking at women with make up. May Allah guide us and save us from this fitna that you are spreading

  36. Ali dawah are you just going to ignore all comments and continue with this rubbish so unislsamic show ?
    Pure fitnah
    Fear Allah

  37. Please stop these harram free mixing shows with sisters without correct hijab and sitting together with you guys this is against the sunnah Ali
    Why don't you follow what the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said ?

  38. Lol you used to have decent videos years ago. Now all your videos are typical click bait brainrot. Really? An hour long video on men and women discussing why men cheat?

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