Trump, Tyranny, and Political Theater | NotByWorks Podcast (4/12/24)

I was recently on @NotByWorks Podcast with JB Hixson and we discussed how the Luciferian conspiracy has its tentacles of …

  1. God raises up leaders and brings them down.
    Even satan knows God's word and can quote it, so these quotes of the liberal satanists don't surprise me.
    God does use people like Trump. Sometimes it is to bring about His plans written in the bible, including the tribulation.
    Reagan was also a globalist new world order person according to his words.
    Our "leaders" are not leaders according to the constitution. We are surrendering OUR power to them.

  2. We have always been voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Almost every president in American history has been a member of the new world order/illuminati/skull and crossbones/ world economic forum.

  3. I quit voting at Obama’s election, and did not vote either of the two prominent parties for years before then.

  4. YES!!! I have felt very alone (for many years) having this same view. Thank you for sharing this.

  5. Romans, 1:32 is the reason as a Christian it is your duty to vote

  6. Thank You Zach for explaining the Politicsl Theatre point . I felt pressured, but not anymore…I was thinking the same thing…lesser of 2 evils. .😀

  7. I found you through this discussion on JB's podcast which was a great one btw. Always good to find more brothers/sisters in Christ who are both right on the gospel and in tune with the reality of the times for what they are.

  8. Trump lost the 2020 election because he approved of a two state solution.

  9. From the very first time I saw ZAK on Tom Hughes program,
    I liked him, he's not pretentious and says it like it truly is.
    That to me are most admirable qualities. Kudos and blessing to Zak's parents for instilling God's word in him. Thank you Zak for all your hard work researching all these subjects and bring out
    the truth to many believers who now know the truth, and to all
    those who will come to the truth. May the Lord abundantly bless you and put a hedge of protection around you. May you continue to walk close to the Lord. Thank You so very much ZAK!

  10. Awesome podcast. Thank you for sharing and glorifying the Lord Jesus.

  11. Talk is cheap! If their actions don't line up with the Biblical words out of their mouth, they are liars

  12. Wow, I listen to teaching all day long, but THIS was fascinating. THANK YOU BOTH VERY MUCH.

  13. Wow! I mean too much at once to think on. I feel as though our world has been a complete lie. I am squeezing my Bible hard these days because it’s the only truth! I say we do a write-in for president “Jesus”, because I also can’t bring myself to vote for either.

  14. WOW I just had a conversation with a good friend yesterday about the candidates running for presidency. I was so adamant and thinking one way that you truly opened my eyes to the reality of what's going on and I thank you for that. Prayers for Humanity. 🙏❤️🙏

  15. What are you suggesting we don't vote?

  16. Great program! Keep ‘em comin’!! Shalom bro 🙋🏼‍♀️🕊️✝️

  17. Yep voting has always been a joke. I've Never participated, no one worth voting for.

  18. What you are saying is true so that means we have no one to vote for!

  19. Who is Peter Tiel? Never heard of him!

  20. So who else can one vote for????

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