Piketon Massacre: And Then There Was One (Part 5)

Piketon is a small town in Southern Ohio, 90 miles east of Cincinnati with a population of just over 2000 people.

  1. Have you tried talking to a customer connect person from USPS? They might have cheaper options. Flat rate boxes are great for heavy stuff,one price no matter what it weighs. Stephanie,did you know they make edible slime? I think it's made by "Jell-O".

  2. Love this series. I think Stephanie is a fantastic storyteller and anyway that she wants to narrate the story works for me. I love having Derrick's perspective and I think you two make a great team. Looking forward to the next series!

  3. My name is Cassandra and when people call my office they ask for Christina. I feel you Stephanie!

  4. So usually I don’t like the longer part series, but in this case I really was gripped by this one (maybe because of the Wagners sheer stupidity and entitlement, and it was just so great seeing justice served). I liked knowing the result from Part 1, and I didn’t mind it being – longer series. Well done!

  5. I love this kind of series. Please do more. You are both so amazing at presenting these cases. I can’t complain about any of the cases you have presented.

  6. I don't remember if you said where the kids are now but I hope their with people who love them and they can have a good life.

  7. I'm Stephanie too and I also get Bethany all the time over the phone. I even try to over pronounce it and it still happens… lol

  8. Stephanie let the man opine!!! 🤣🤣 it’s a joke I absolutely love you. I’m making fun of your haters 😂

  9. Just side note ibuprofen knocks my mom out – for reals lol but Angela was probably lying for sure 🤣

  10. I loved this series and the Dan Markel series 😍 Both formats were great. Thank you both!

  11. What do you have against defence lawyers ? Everyone deserves a fair day in trial that’s how the judicial system should be no matter how broken you think it is !

  12. Ok, y'all… I've been a rural mail carrier for USPS for 17 years, and I know everyone hates paying for shipping charges, including me, BUT of you compare USPS to any of the other shippers, it is almost always way cheaper. I's so much cheaper, that we actually deliver "last mile delivery" for all the other carriers because it's cheaper for us to go to each house than for them to go there.

  13. The adds are fine…. People need to get a grip on reality!

  14. Y’all and the shell casings 😂

  15. I followed this from day 1 all those years ago and I can't wait to see Billy get LWOP!!! These were senseless crimes and Hannah Gilleys mother's victim impact statemente was the best, most intense and touching one Ive heard to date. I'll never forget her pounding her fist on the stand thing and say "George Wagnor, What have you won?!" She was shaking and man was she mad. I felt for every family member.
    Thanks for sharing this story because not that many true crime podcast have. I think if they had heard about it they would definitely covered it. Thanks from Tennessee 😊

  16. Pop Quiz = 💯🍍🍍

  17. White vinegar dissolves even the worst slime!!

  18. not so fun fact: THE newly elected sheriff, also funded by the tax dollars; DID NOT opt in for video recording. 🚮 eta: I'm glad ya got my msg on spotify! there's so much behind the scenes dirt 😳

  19. EXCELLENT presentation of the case! Thank you 😊

  20. I don’t know if either of you will ever see this comment, but an idea for a future series is the Greensburg 6. There’s not a lot of YouTube coverage of it, it happened in my hometown and about 5 minutes down the road from me. It’s an extremely dark tragedy, six people (i use that term loosely, they’re animals) tortured and murdered Jennifer Daugherty, a mentally disabled woman that considered them friends. It shook our town and still sends chills down my spine. Rest in peace Jennifer ❤️

    I love the channel and the amount of care you both put into your work🫶🏻 keep the bloopers coming plz

  21. I’m the complete opposite 😂 I say Bethany and everyone thinks I’m saying Stephanie lol I always respond with, “B , like Stephanie, but a B ; Bethany. 😂😂😂😂

  22. Who is going to crime con 2024????

  23. Pmsl at Stephanie & Derrick talking about the shell casings 😂 😂 😂 even as I type it gets funnier & funnier bahahaha

  24. Could you cover the cases of Brian Shaffer and Jason Jolkowski? Love all the details you put into every video

  25. Stephanie, you triggered my ADHD brain by mentioning Zoolander. Now I have an irrational desire to see Derrick do Blue Steel. 😂

  26. I love the long episodes.i love the long series. Everybody should stop crying about it. It's your business, run it how you want to. Love everything you guys do!!!!

  27. 4 million for a killer's trial. Bullets cost much less and their faster.

  28. Can a baby nurse off a dead mother? Plus this is 4 day old baby.

  29. I dont see why people moan about the ads, just fast forward through them 🤷🏽‍♀️ or if you hold your finger down on the right of your screen on you tube it speeds up x2 til the add is past then lift your finger off 😆

  30. Stephanie, I ALSO always get called Bethany on the phone… and I’m on the phone all day for my job. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve given up on trying to correct them, it takes more time and effort than it’s worth.
    But I FEEL that pain!

  31. Can I please request you guys do a deep dive on the Laren Kanareck, Michael Barisone case? There is SO MUCH to unpack there… wowza.

  32. Maybe it was ibuprofen pm I take the generic pm stuff at night to help me sleep when I have migraine.

  33. Stephanie, I love your glasses

  34. What about back in the day before cameras were allowed in the court room? You can always go back and get transcript.

  35. Why was Kenneth killed? It is still not clear to my why was Kenneth included in the massacre even though he was in a different location and why was all that money left on top of his body – it just seems different that the rest of the murders.

  36. Fantastic job guys! This was a totally avoidable tragedy, and they didn't even end up with custody.

  37. Love the crime slime idea!!

  38. Prisoners aren’t also too keen on harm/murder of women especially mothers as well

  39. Been a min since I’ve seen boondocks saint but I’m sure there was no post action clean up scene. So they just doing a literal scene re-creation

  40. When I say my name (Jessica) on the phone ppl think I say Justin uhhh lol

  41. Please keep doing all that you are doing! You two are doing a fabulous job covering stories.. too little is much to hard to follow, more is fantastic! You two covered things Dateline did not cover in the Adelson case!

  42. Derrick, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your passion and intensity for the past cases you’ve worked. You were talking about the woman who passed after being beaten and the emotion behind your voice is why you are a good detective, it’s why you are a good human being. It’s refreshing and we need more people like you from LE❤

  43. Hey guys just like they make Tylenol PM they also have an Advil PM so that might have been what she was talking about. But yeah otherwise she's full of s***

  44. Ok, so I live in Butler County Ohio and Richard Jones is my sheriff. Guys, he really is a badass, and he DOES wear a cowboy hat 🤠. Stephanie called it lol.

  45. Wow – good analogy btw football and court !!!! So many ppl would make a huge deal about a football game – why not court hearings!!!

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