Hallie opens up about being Trans | Big Brother 2023

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  1. i was actually rooting for her. the whole point of the show is to bring people of different cultures and identities together.

  2. well done i rember when you came out at school and that was so hard so good for you girl

  3. I’m glad he was kicked off

  4. Cant stand the big fella

  5. I’m astounded at the way the other housemates keep giving him affirmation that he’s a “beautiful woman” it’s mental, and it’s destroying confused young people’s lives. They need to stop being so scared of offending someone and just say the truth. He’s male. As a woman, I’m the one whose offended. Do my feelings not matter?

  6. ‘liKe tHiRtY gRAnd fOr a dEsignER vAgiNa’ 🥴🤦🏽‍♂️🤡

  7. "Just for you to be yourself " sure…. should go to therapy to be himself instead of playing with nature

  8. They always think we can't tell. Absolutely delusional.

  9. We all know it. Big Brother will do everything to ensure this person wins

  10. This Generation is so woke TV is so bad now

  11. He could make more of an effort

  12. I just want tell everyone im straight and im gonna keep the genitals I was born with and I don't owe my parents any money but they will always have my love and respect for not confusing me when I was a child.

  13. You know what her life doesn’t affect mine so I’m not gonna make any comments on how she choses to live her life. I think its weird that people that have no correlation to her have to make their opinion of her known publicly…..

  14. The woke is strong with one …

  15. Imagine goin bathroom and he's stood there avin a piss 😨

  16. It'd be easier to change his mind and accept he's a man then get on a major medical pathway of pain and shortened life span to mutilate his body. No man on earth feels like a woman and vice versa. We've no frame of reference to know how it feels to be the opposite sex. Delusional much

  17. Big brother ticked every box with this lot 😂

  18. Hopefully in 10 years people won’t have to be ‘amazed’, feel privileged to be in her presence’ or hugged.
    Ffs. I’m 35 and really couldn’t care less as long as people are happy and not being picked on for living the life they have chosen. However don’t force me into stupid pronouns

  19. The fact that Big Brother UK will happily profit off of a poor mentally ill person's struggles tells me everything I need to know. Absolutely vile of you to take advantage of a poor man like Hallie.

  20. “Thought I’d let everyone know I’m trans” – you never have to tell people, we can always tell immediately

  21. This show is woke propaganda completely unrecognisable to the original bb on ch4

  22. So you can't be criticised. Guaranteed last 5

  23. Pretty obvious to be honest. I said that she was trans soon as i seen this show

  24. Win or lose at this point she can start a gofundme for a new minge when she gets out. There's easily enough idiots to have a whip round the UK and get 30 grand

  25. as soon as i saw her on the big brother opening show on sunday i could tell she was a bloke. Look at how tall it is.

  26. Let’s celebrate you🤣 got these people are unbearable, big brother this time around is nothing but a big WOKE fest

  27. id be the one not talking to it


  29. what does having a female brain mean? How does a bio male know what it is to "think" like a woman?

  30. just as well Fareyda that yolk has shown she is uber defensive about her own culture and in a bullish way as otherwise it would have been so unreasonable how she tried to portray F as being insulting. Even though her religion doesnt really agree with any of that so, awkward

  31. No issue with people being trans. In this case, Hallie is a trans woman, and that’s fine.

    However. WHY the offence at Famidas questioning yesterday? 1). It clearly wasn’t meant offensively, just to learn. 2) As the trans community likes to remind it’s critics, gender and sex are not the same, are not necessarily intertwined. Hallie may be trans and therefore now be a woman… however that does NOTHING to change her sex. Which CANNOT be changed. Hallie is now a woman. But she will ALWAYS be male. Whether anyone likes it or not, straight men/heterosexual males, are attracted to FEMALES. Hallie, whilst being a woman, ISN’T female. Never will be. Never can be. Infact, she’s as MALE as every other man in the room. By definition, any man who sleeps with her KNOWING she’s trans, MUST be gay. Only a gay man would sleep with her. Because she’s literally MALE. Male on male is homosexual. End of discussion.

  32. Big brother died in like 2006 or something 😂

  33. Men like him are very offensive to me as an actual woman myself who is currently sat here bleeding out of my very real/natural/biological vagina! (This is called the menstrual cycle: a very natural yet painful and uncomfortable time of the month, every month, for all actual women out there…usually before they get pregnant. Although in some very rare cases it is possible to get pregnant before your first period.
    Pregnancy: another very natural occurrence that can only happen to actual women. This is when women are able to grow a human being inside their womb and give birth through their very natural downstairs parts!
    Womb: another natural/biological organ that actual women are born with in which a baby grows before birth)

    He-allie can dress/act/talk etc like a stereotypical woman all he wants but should not be allowed to call himself a woman! Please find another word for your confused group of fellow men!

    Thank you for coming to my ted talk! 😊

  34. How much we talking for you to get a fanny😂😂😂how are people seriously not understanding how unormal this is

  35. I'm not suprised, thought so when I saw him. Yes him, he is a fully intact man. Why should people support their authentic self when he does not.

  36. Proper attention seeker am a trans gender lol
    What is happening to people you get hustled so easy

  37. Thank God the NHS isn't laying for him to cut off his dingaling! A "Female mind", how sexist can you get!?

  38. I don't get why she's stating she needs to pay for this surgery and win to be able too, when the NHS in the UK provides Gender reassignment surgery (GRS) to trans people free of charge, so long as the person has lived in their social role appropriate to their gender identity for at least twelve months.


  40. She seems so lovely but you can see how tense they all are with the conversation. Great example of the clash between real authentic trans people and the effects of extreme activism.

  41. Very clever how she's told her sob story…a great way to get votes ….

  42. Man in women's clothing that's all

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