Big Brother Australia 2005 – Day 76 – Daily Show

Tonight, it’s survival of the fittest, Greg’s relationship plan and Tim loses patience.

  1. Mabye now that Greg’s there alone he can make better relationships

  2. Vesna is absolute gold!! One of the great housemates of all time!

  3. 12:18 is so funny cause Ritta says she takes criticism constructively then proceeds to take Vesnas criticism un-constrativily

  4. 20:00 Basically if a guy is into you, 95% of the time, you'll know because he'll instigate. Esp young men, who are peaking sexually in their early 20s, if they're into you they'll show it physically through affection. If you are making all those moves and getting no reciprocation, he's not keen on you. Stop trying, move on.

  5. 12:18 Watch from here
    12:25 Rita has fashioned a reality and when Vesna challenges it her anger appears.

    These people who have most likely experienced early trauma create a 'new mental reality' of who they are, how they interact and to a lesser extent the people in their circles, and they utterly believe it. All the while projecting their insecurities onto others and being defensive when challenged, in a way that feels extreme to those around them.

  6. Tea tree oil is all that blister required.

  7. does greg have a lisp or does he have some sort of dental apparatus in his mouth like melanie sounds she may have as well?

  8. maybe im more tolerable of rita's incessant talking, she doesnt bother me but then im not living with her. i mean without rita what would we have as viewers to see and listen to? for weeks now kate barely gets air time. vesna cooks and bitches. christy wines about how greg isnt that into her…., its the same with all of them. BORING. the airtime right now surrounds ppl talking about rita. if the other hms had some other worthy footage to offer for the episodes the editing staff would be including it. unless production wants to irritate the public so rita goes next. hard to see if she goes, who or what will they have to talk about then?

  9. okay, someone please explain to me why melanie sounds like she has marbles in her mouth when she speaks…. is she wearing false teeth of some variety?

  10. I imagine Rita being one of those psycho nurses that secretly kills her patients slowly with IV. Meanwhile she acts like the perfect nurse who always smiles. Creepy…

  11. He's just not that into you Christie…

  12. 'she finds me a threat to her sanity'..Rita need to b studied…wooaaah

  13. I've learned to mute the moments when Rita is talking. She pretends to knowledge she doesn't have. That is a dangerous habit for someone in the medical profession.

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