America’s Biggest Race-Baiter Converts to Islam

Susanna and Armin discuss religion-related events from all around the world to attract and connect atheists across borders and …

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  1. BLM = racism, ISLAM = racism.

    All lives matter 4imma

  2. Armin, I often feel you are exhaggerating the prevalence of antisemitism; the reason "the West" is not fighting back against antisemitism from Muslims more, is not because Westerners are antisemites; it is because of postcolonial anti racist "white guilt"; the same reason most Westerners (unless they are actual racist of course) are not comfortable criticizing Islam. True, I may just see this from my own Scandinavian viewpoint (the only antisemites here are Muslims and actual Nazis), but I still think this attitute would be more common in the West in general than actual antisemitism.

  3. Fuhrer evolved! The only thing missing is a mustache that should be vertical instead of horizontal

  4. For Afghan Pakistani indian & Bangladeshi 🤣 listen 🎶 👌 this 👌 islam 😈☪️😈 exposed in 6min
    Mai Adam Hu – Adam Seeker Song 🎵

  5. Buying the shirt right now !

  6. Shocking 😂
    Can’t peddle your own bs anymore? Great! joint Islam and peddle our bs

  7. Ahmediya's were in the fore front of the movement to create the Islamic Republic of Pakistan – I hope they are regretting that decision!

  8. happy Atheist's day! enjoy your day! from a Christian brother in Asia

  9. The worst kind of religion for the worst kind of people.

  10. I am not pro Islam at all, but burning books, especially religious books, is bad and anti free speech in my opinion. I don’t think it should be a crime, but you won’t win over anyone not on your side by burning something people see as sacred.

  11. Happy atheist day. Happy Holi.

  12. Good proof that islam is the trash can collecting the lowest minds 😂😂

  13. The rights of humans to me is spiritual mentality. It is shaped in personal ability. This personal ability is what Jesus Christ goes into detail in but Islam does not. The Quran is designed to make someone live a certain lifestyle, but the bible goes in depth in a relationship with God not just a willingness to submit to Allah and be a good person and do the right things. true shaddah is not said once but is said daily in the heart. Muslims make the proclamation of the shaddah but they do not follow through and cannot because of what the Quran teaches and how it guides the Muslim. The bible is truly shown as a vow of shaddah which only manifests over time, and the heart and mind develop and grow.

    What i am saying is true spiritual vows help us grow closer to God, they are not said once and everything in level from that point. They are said and then we just keep growing closer to God. Muslims do not do this, they stay level the whole time, and its connection to the will of Muhammad not god.

  14. Why always the biggest cl0wns convert to P1sslam


  16. Know one knows or understands Islam like ExMuslims. Why because they speak out their own experience and knowledge while bravely confronting their shared legitamate fears.
    Those who speak out against evil anywhere, especially at threats to themselves and shine their light on it, irrespective of their beliefs, serve both the light and truth of God.

  17. These idiots do not know what the Islam is and how it is no different than Nazism.

  18. God bless America, God bless Israel.

  19. Call an idiot Talcum X long enough…

  20. We can always find a few idiots converting islam in order to make news and advertisement , but pretty normal to see hundreds leaving that satanic club each day.

  21. Shaun King got banned among other reasons because his IG post of Ahmed Yassin recieved a tidal wave of Hitler fan comments… the "we're not antisemetic!" mask slipped… oops. Also Yassin was explaining in the video how he's "not antisemetic"… Hitler also wasn't antisemetic he was just very anti elder scrolls of zionist…

  22. This guy is hilarious, it's just comical that people keep giving to king

  23. You guys should have more subscribers. Your one of my favorite channels now…just recently found you since Oct 7th. I’m not an atheist, but I like the things you cover and your point of view not being swayed by a religion.

  24. I know I'm not your demographic but I really like watching you two specifically a lot. Really fun to watch and follow along in the chat. Thanks for all the fun you guys provide 🙂

  25. i miss martin luther king thank you for showing what he stood for
    our society really Needs to relearn about him

  26. Doesn’t have integrity sounds like he’s perfect for Islam

  27. I am not surprised that conspiracy theorist coming out with their idiocies after the attack on Russia by Islamic Terrorists. Expect Putin, Xi, Ayatollah Khameini, Far-Right Nationalist in US and other part of the west, Far-Left Woke and Non-Interventionist Libertarians to blame it on Ukraine, the Mossad or the CIA.

  28. Shaun King, Sneako,Andrew Tate. Islams Unholy Trinity!

  29. "Dumbasses"- rightly called by suzy, thanks

  30. this is the white guy who pretends hes black right?

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