All 9 competitions won by Frankie Grande on Big Brother 16

Frankie was a contestant on Big Brother 16 on CBS and won the most competitons. This video shows all the comps he won.

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  1. Frankie was my favorite in this season, in fact, this was the very first Big Brother season I ever watched

  2. It’s sad to see Frankie work so hard for the final 5 HOH and win it when it ultimately doesn’t matter and he goes home that week on a twist

  3. production mustve said ok make a bad egg pun at victorias expense

  4. Hated him at first watch, but now I really see how much effort and how hard he played this season.

  5. We love you, Frankie!

  6. Frankie could have won if they didnt push the rewind button

  7. Derrick standing back so Frankie could win was amazing 🥺

  8. I was never a big fan of Frankie but him winning that Battle of the Block competition by himself without Caleb's help was impressive and awesome.

  9. Should've been in BB All Stars

  10. Zach “omg frankie” when he completes the maze in a flash time

  11. Gotta love a good comp king

  12. I hate how Derek or whatever his name is said “congrats Caleb and Frankie!” Like excuse me????! Frankie won that ON HIS OWN NO HELP FROM CALEB. So I would take Caleb out of that sentence

  13. I wish for once the girls could stay together and form an all girl alliance that actually works . Ofc they'll probably add the gay guy with them 😂

  14. Idc what anyone says Zach was the original, Josh is the knock off xD

  15. What Derek and Giving Frankie the HOH was very humble and speaks volumes about his character

  16. That girl alliance was one of the biggest epic girl power fails ever

  17. Beastmode cowboy?? …. Loser 🤦🏼‍♀️

  18. “That’s for you granpa, that’s for you granpa, that’s for you ariana, that’s for you mommy, go team grande” 😭💕

  19. Go grande or go home
    one like =agree

  20. That was derricks one flaw throughout the game. Coaching frankie and Cody. Had anyone else won instead, Derrick would have been nominated


  22. I totally ship frankie and caleb

  23. 26:29 "you want to see your grandfather" 😭😭😭
    that was the sweetest thing I've ever seen I did not expect that

  24. “Go grande of go home” what about venti

  25. Tbh I like roblox big brother better than big brother irl

  26. Frankies tee hee is gold

  27. Frankie: I am in this challenge TO WIN THIS CHALLENGE
    Me: 👌😂👌

  28. Why do I ship Frankie and Cody together # Frankie

  29. Who realized Frankie was hugged by Caleb and picked up by him must of the time? 💕😌

  30. 59:37 you literally betrayed them in the first place of course they will try to back door your how the heck did they trust you again?

  31. And people say Caleb is a comp beast

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