Welcome to LearningChess Free for Schools Program info page for the 2023/24 school year. More than 110.000 children studied worldwide with LearningChess for free in our different scholastic programs in the last years.

We gladly inform you that LearningChess owners extend the ongoing charity program to the 2023/24 school year for underprivileged schools.

You and your students can get free online chess lessons with complete Learning Management.

This year’s motto: “Our true acquisitions lie only in our charities, we get only as we give.” – William Simms

Why is teaching chess essential in schools?

Teaching chess in schools develops your students’ logical thinking, memory, pattern recognition, focusing, concentration, attention, learning abilities, analyzing, planning, imagining, visualizing, creativity, and self-motivation. Chess also improves patience and politeness and can help in the socializing process. Read more about that here.

Is it really free? Why?

Yes, our program is free for underprivileged schools.

Our mission is to popularize chess – both as a game and a personal development tool – all over the world. Currently, we manage the support of this program from our resources. However, the need is so high that we had to introduce a limit in the 2023/24 school year. We limited the demandable student licenses to 20 per coach/teacher to accept applications from more schools. We are also looking for generous sponsors to increase this limit.

Which schools are eligible for the program?

Underprivileged schools or schools with disadvantaged students are eligible for our Free for Schools Program from any country. If you have a special but different program, you can also apply.

Our charity committee approves each registration, but schools taking part in government based underprivileged programs can join without further approval from the committee. (For example, Title I or reservation schools from the US, and L’éducation prioritaire schools in France.)

Important: the chess activity we support has to be free of charge for kids.

What can my school get for free in the program?

Your school gets a complete online chess education system with:

By using our industry-leading Learning Management System, teachers can add and manage their students and follow their learning progress in real-time. Teachers also get full access to the curriculum to learn chess or prepare for the lesson from the courses.

How can schools join the program?

Teachers from the above schools can join by contacting us with the following info:

  • your name
  • your email (please also Sign Up for free with it to LearningChess)
  • your title in the school
  • school name
  • school website
  • entitlement for the program (e.g., Title I)
  • number of students will take part in the program
  • short description of your activity
  • declaration that your program is free for kids

Our charity committee analyzes all applications, and we send you our answer within a week.

Please, apply to our program only when your students will actively use LearningChess.

Is there any other valuable info?

Yes. To help other teachers and coaches in their educational practice, we ask you to share your activity and ideas via our blog. Please, send us a full 10 paragraph long description of your program with some pictures after a month of using LearningChess, and we will publish your article in the “best practices” section. It will be a great help to the chess education community.

Are your school or activity eligible for our free program? Take advantage of this unique opportunity. Contact us now.

More and more schools take part in our Free for Schools Program each year. If you read this article and know about schools that can probably join our program, please inform them about our program.

LearningChess Team

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