Kickstart Your Virtual Assistant Career with These 10 Strategic Steps

Over two decades ago, I, Tawnya Sutherland, transitioned from a legal secretary in a bustling office to offering my skills in the virtual realm. As a single mother with three small children relying on me, it was a bold, yet daunting new beginning starting up my Virtual Assistant business.

Fast forward to right before COVID-19 hit. I met Jessica at a small business retreat in Pensacola, Florida, which she was helping host. She was a successful business entrepreneur and I knew there was lots to learn from her. The virus scare had just begun; I remember feeling fearful, debating whether to wear a mask on the airplane or not, as it wasn’t the “norm” yet.

Now today, Jessica and Cliff are sailing through rough waters, bravely facing life’s curveballs. 

It reminds me of the courage it takes to step into unknown territories, like starting a Virtual Assistant journey. Yet with the right folks cheering you on, every new day is a step towards something exciting. 

Just like Jessica and Cliff are finding their way through, you too can navigate the VA realm, especially with a strong community and a roadmap to guide you. It’s all about taking that first step, even when the path seems uncertain. Well hold on because I’ve got your back every step of the way!

Okay let’s first unravel the mystique surrounding the profession of virtual assistance. 

What Is A Virtual Assistant?

A Virtual Assistant is a skilled professional who offers administrative, creative, or technical services remotely. This profession is a beacon of hope for anyone with a knack for organization, creativity, or technical expertise. 

It’s for those that want to be the BOSS of their own business.

And the best part? You can work from the comfort of your home, enjoy financial and time freedom, and build meaningful connections along the way.

Embarking on a new career path as a Virtual Assistant is thrilling yet can seem a tad daunting with all the details involved. 

How To Get Started As A Virtual Assistant

But fear not! While there are numerous steps along the way, I’ve distilled the essence into a digestible 10-step guide to give you a head start on your VA journey. These steps provide a glimpse into the Virtual Assistant realm, from understanding your skills to continuous learning and growth. It’s all about easing into the process while having a clear vision of the milestones ahead. 

So, let’s dive into these simplified STEPS to kickstart your Virtual Assistant Career:

  1. Self-Assessment: Kick off your VA journey by diving into a self-assessment. Uncover your strengths, whether it’s organizational prowess or graphic design creativity. Embracing what you love doing will ensure your VA work is something you look forward to. Pinpointing areas for growth sets the stage for your evolution into a successful VA.
  2. Research and Education: Elevate your knowledge with a robust training program like the VAC (which I will introduce to you in a sec), familiarizing yourself with essential tools and industry benchmarks. This phase is your launchpad to distinction in the bustling VA realm.
  3. Niche Selection: Here, carve out your niche. Your preferences, be it managing schedules or conjuring visual designs, will guide your niche selection, setting the tone for an exhilarating and prosperous VA career.
  4. Pricing Strategy: Delve into pricing dynamics to craft a strategy that mirrors your expertise while appealing to your ideal clients. Though it may seem daunting, the right insights will empower you to master it.
  5. Legal Framework: Establish a solid legal foundation with well-crafted contracts and a transparent invoicing system. This step embodies professionalism, ensuring your VA business operates smoothly from the outset.
  6. Marketing and Branding: Showcase your VA brand to the world. Develop a brand identity that resonates with your services and engage potential clients, paving the way for a flourishing VA endeavor.
  7. Client Acquisition: Master the art of client acquisition to build enduring relationships. Show prospective clients the value you bring to the table, transforming one-time projects into lasting partnerships.
  8. Develop your Storefront: Construct your virtual storefront with a captivating website. Your website should reflect your offerings compellingly, leaving a memorable imprint on visitors.
  9. Delivering Excellence: Commit to excellence in service delivery. Satisfied clients can morph into repeat business and potent referral sources, fueling your VA business’s growth.
  10. Continuous Learning and Growth: Embrace a culture of perpetual learning to stay abreast of the dynamic VA landscape. Acquiring new skills and staying updated propels you to enduring success in your VA endeavors.

The 10 steps outlined are just the tip of the iceberg but they give you a glimpse into what starting a VA career entails. Yet, the real magic happens when you have a detailed roadmap to follow. That’s where the Virtual Assistant Career Success system comes into play. It’s your shortcut to bypassing the common hurdles, saving you time and guiding you straight to the success lane.

Great news! Exclusively for the Selling Family community, I’m offering the Virtual Assistant Career Success system at a special price of $497, down from the usual $897. 

This isn’t just a course; it’s your gateway to a flourishing VA career. 

Your investment grants you:

  1. The VAC Training Center: 7 well-structured phases across 30 modules.
  2. The VAC $uccess Workbook: Your daily 100+ page guide to financial independence.
  3. Lifetime Access to the Mastermind VAC $uccess Support Forum: Direct answers from me, Tawnya Sutherland.
  4. 3-month Membership to the Get Clients Club (Value $281): From group coaching to a premium job board, client acquisition has never been simpler.
  5. A full year listing in our VA Business Directory.

Seize this offer now and jumpstart your VA career adventure with a structured, nurturing roadmap! This limited-time offer (ends November 12th)  is your stepping stone to a fulfilling VA career filled with boundless opportunities. 

Your remarkable journey kicks off right here! Go Get Started Now!

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Jessica @ The Selling Family

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