Recognizing Stephanie Jones as a SHE RECOVERS Gem

Stephanie Jones is a SHE RECOVERS Dance Facilitator and a SHE RECOVERS Together Online Zoom Gathering co-host and guardian. Stephanie has been volunteering for the SHE RECOVERS Foundation since 2021 and is a perpetual source of positivity and gratitude. As a certified SHE RECOVERS Dance Facilitator, Stephanie from the future (she’s on Greenwich Mean Time) invites people into her circle and creates a supportive space where everyone feels an incredible sense of belonging—she often calls out to each person in the squares and dances with them in turn.  

SHE RECOVERS Gems are volunteers who have been acknowledged by their peers for their profound and life-altering contributions and service to our community.

We had the honor of interviewing Stephanie Jones about her role as a SHE RECOVERS volunteer.

What does being a SHE RECOVERS Foundation volunteer mean to you?

Being a SHE RECOVERS volunteer means the absolute whole world to me. I am so, so grateful to be accepted and to be able to help where I can within this community.

What made you want to become a SHE RECOVERS Foundation volunteer?

Just seeing how people were growing and healing through this community was so inspiring to me. I have learned so much here by witnessing people speaking their absolute truth without being ridiculed or torn apart but rather being held in the community. That was absolutely jaw-dropping for me. I am grateful to not have to hide away but just show up and be myself. I have finally been able to accept who I am and be who I am without being scared. SHE RECOVERS is such a fabulous movement, and I am super proud to be part of it. 

What is something of which you are proud?

I am really pleased I took the leap and participated in the SHE RECOVERS Dance Facilitator certification course because I never thought I would be able to dance in front of people, let alone run a dance session! *LOL* Honestly, it was a huge step for me to take part in it, but I am pleased that I did, and that Payton guided us through it.

What do you do outside of your volunteer role for work and/or play?

I am self-employed and a qualified garden design landscaper. I have also taken up Taekwondo, and I absolutely love nature. 

What does radical self-care look like for you?

Crumbs, I am still learning self-care, but I am currently playing with art to give my mind a rest. 

Tell us a little bit about your recovery journey. What are you recovering from?

I am in recovery for CPTSD. I used to live in South Africa, and although it was a beautiful place to live, I unfortunately experienced a nasty hostage situation which I survived. I witnessed so much violence in South Africa. It became so dangerous to live and work there that I relocated to the UK. Unfortunately, I learned that I was still living in survival mode and struggling with severe CPTSD. Whilst trying to tackle my CPTSD, I went through multiple therapies and nothing worked, until one therapist suspected that I was autistic, so we investigated that. As it turns out, yes, I am autistic, and that was one of the reasons I was struggling to recover. It has taken a very long time for me to accept this diagnosis, let alone try to explain it to my family. Fortunately, now I have the right support to tackle my CPTSD and autism, and a lovely autism bridge builder that has been supporting me over the past three years. 

What or who is inspiring you right now? 

I have to say, Kar, as she led me to SHE RECOVERS and showed me how not to be afraid of who I am. Everyone who shows up in the SHE RECOVERS spaces inspires me daily for sure. 

What SHE RECOVERS Intention and Guiding Principle resonates with you the most?

We answer the call to heal our past wounds and intergenerational traumas so we can live fully in the present.

What is your favorite SHE RECOVERS resource?

SHE RECOVERS Dance, where I can let go and be free.

What is one piece of advice you would give to another woman/non-binary individual who is seeking a community like SHE RECOVERS?

The first step is to show up for yourself. Join a gathering with your camera on or off. As long as you are present that is all that counts.

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