6 Healthy Ways To Cultivate

1. Recognize your authentic self

Trusting your authentic self is essential for personal fulfilment and true interactions. While it’s tempting to conform to social media standards, true happiness comes from being ourselves.

Stopping to consider our motivations is crucial while generating and sharing online information. Do we share because it matches our values, interests, and experiences? Or are we seeking acceptance from others? Asking yourself these questions helps us act authentically and put ourselves first.

Not everything must be discussed publicly. We need limits and seclusion to maintain our sense of self and relational connection. Being cautious about what we share online helps us connect with ourselves and others.

Prioritizing self-validation and authenticity leads to increased fulfilment and meaningful online and offline friendships. Trusting in ourselves helps us navigate social media with honesty and purpose.

2. Connect with Real People

According to research, those who use social media excessively frequently experience mood swings, neglect their connections with others, and avoid real-world contact.

Turn off your social media notifications and make time to spend with the important people in your life. Talk to your friends in a meaningful way, pay attention to your partner’s emotional needs, and spend special times together, like making dinner.

Real-world interactions provide us with a true sense of gratitude and connection that far outweighs any affirmation we may obtain online.

3. Do Social Media Detox

Studies have shown that excessive social media use can cause anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and other mental health issues. If you spend too much time on social media, try a digital detox.

Allow yourself many hours a day without social media or electrical gadgets like smartphones and PCs. Instead, spend time in nature whenever possible.

Technology-free time outdoors can improve brain clarity, reduce stress, and boost positivity. Include these breaks in your routine to improve your technology relationship and mental wellness.

4. Join Supportive People

Take a moment to assess your social circle on social media:

  1. Do they lift me up emotionally or drain my energy?
    2. Can I find supportive communities or groups online that offer emotional validation?
    By connecting with professionals and supportive networks, you can gradually build a strong, healthy social circle.

5. Maintain Boundaries

Social media boundaries are essential for mental and emotional health. A safe sanctuary among the internet chaos. Limiting what you share, how much time you spend online, and who can see your content can improve your social media relationship.

Your online profile should represent your values and priorities, and it’s okay to put yourself first. Block or unfollow accounts that violate your boundaries. Protect your mental wellness.

6. Find The Root Cause

Addressing validation-seeking concerns is essential for personal progress and well-being. Childhood influences adult attachment types and validation seeking. Breaking the pattern begins with acknowledging how prior events shape our behaviour.

Social media can aid this process if used appropriately. If certain posts make you feel bad or unhealthy, halt and reflect. Consider whether trust or rejection issues are behind these triggers. After that, take action by unfollowing accounts that increase these sensations or reducing your social media use.

Real-life relationships can also provide additional affirmation and support. Instead of seeking validation on social media, spend time with friends and family or doing things you enjoy. Making meaningful connections can foster a sense of belonging and diminish external validation.

Addressing validation-seeking behaviour and adopting healthy online and offline practices can improve emotional resilience, relationship satisfaction, and well-being.


The desire for social media likes has both beneficial and harmful effects. Likes can increase our happiness and affirm our online presence, but they can also cause undesirable behaviours and psychological issues.

We must balance our online and offline lives as users. Prioritizing real connections over digital validation can reduce the harmful effects of likes. Considering the psychological implications of social media validation is essential to a better engagement with these sites.

Social media platforms and society must also promote responsible social media use through conversations and activities. This involves encouraging constructive relationships, offering resources to regulate online behaviour, and raising awareness of the risks of seeking validation through likes.

We should pursue happiness and fulfilment in real life alongside social media gratification. Recognizing the complexity of social media validation and adopting better behaviours might help us balance and enjoy these platforms.

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