How to Store Cannabis Seeds

Cannabis seeds are valuable resources for growers, but only if they remain viable for germination. Improper storage can significantly reduce a seed’s chance of sprouting, leading to wasted time and resources. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to store your cannabis seeds properly, maximizing their longevity and ensuring successful cultivation when the time comes.

How to Store Cannabis Seeds

Storing cannabis seeds properly is crucial for maintaining their viability and ensuring successful germination when you’re ready to plant.

Moisture is the enemy of cannabis seeds. Make sure the seeds are completely dry before storing them. Any residual moisture can lead to mold growth or damage to the seeds.

  • Choose the Right Container

Store your cannabis seeds in an airtight container. A small glass jar or airtight plastic container works well. Ensure the container is clean and dry before placing the seeds inside.

  • Cool, Dark, and Dry Location

Store the container in a cool, dark, and dry place. Temperature fluctuations and exposure to light can degrade the seeds over time. A cupboard or closet in a consistently cool room is ideal.

While cannabis seeds can survive freezing temperatures, it’s not recommended for long-term storage. Freezing can cause damage to the seeds’ cellular structure, reducing viability.

Adding a desiccant packet to the container can help absorb any excess moisture and maintain a low humidity level. Silica gel packets, often found in shoeboxes or electronics packaging, work well for this purpose.

It’s important to label your container with the strain name and date of storage. This helps you keep track of your seeds and ensures you know how long they’ve been stored.

Periodically check your stored seeds to ensure they remain dry and viable. If you notice any signs of mold or mildew, discard those seeds immediately to prevent contamination of the rest.

By following these guidelines, you can store your cannabis seeds properly, maximizing their longevity and ensuring they’re ready for germination when you’re ready to grow.

How Long Do Cannabis Seeds Last in Storage

The longevity of cannabis seeds in storage depends on various factors such as temperature, humidity, and the quality of the seeds themselves.

When stored in a cool, dark, and dry place at room temperature, cannabis seeds can remain viable for around 1-2 years. However, some seeds may start to lose viability after just a few months if not stored properly.

Storing cannabis seeds in a refrigerator can significantly extend their lifespan. When properly sealed and stored in an airtight container with a desiccant to absorb moisture, seeds can remain viable for 5-10 years or even longer.

While freezing cannabis seeds is not recommended for long-term storage due to potential damage from temperature fluctuations and ice crystals forming, some growers have reported success with this method. If properly packaged to minimize moisture exposure and temperature changes, seeds may last for several years in the freezer.

What Container Should You Store Cannabis Seeds In

For long-term storage or if you want to ensure the best possible preservation of your seeds, glass jars with airtight seals are the preferred option. If you’re storing seeds for a short period or need a more portable solution, ziplock bags can work well, especially when combined with proper moisture control measures.

Glass jars, such as mason jars, are a popular choice for storing cannabis seeds. They provide an airtight seal, which helps prevent moisture from getting in and maintains a stable environment for the seeds. Glass is also inert, meaning it won’t react with the seeds or introduce any unwanted chemicals. Additionally, glass jars are reusable and easy to clean. Just make sure the jars are kept in a dark place to protect the seeds from light exposure.

Ziplock bags can be a convenient short-term storage solution for cannabis seeds. They are inexpensive, readily available, and easy to seal. However, they may not provide as much protection against moisture and temperature fluctuations compared to glass jars. If using ziplock bags, make sure to squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing them and consider adding a desiccant packet to absorb any excess moisture.

What Are the Best Conditions for Seed Storage


The ideal temperature for storing cannabis seeds is between 35°F to 40°F (1.7°C to 4.4°C). This temperature range helps slow down metabolic processes within the seeds, preserving their viability over time. Most refrigerators maintain temperatures within this range, making them suitable for seed storage.

Relative Humidity

It’s crucial to maintain a low relative humidity level to prevent mold growth and degradation of the seeds. Ideally, the relative humidity should be below 40%. However, refrigerators typically have higher humidity levels, so it’s essential to use airtight containers to create a microenvironment with lower humidity inside.

Airtight Containers

Storing seeds in airtight containers is essential to minimize exposure to moisture and humidity. Glass jars with rubber gaskets or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids are suitable choices. Additionally, using desiccant packets inside the containers can help absorb any excess moisture and maintain optimal humidity levels.

Dark Environment

Light can degrade the quality of cannabis seeds over time, so it’s essential to store them in a dark environment. Avoid exposing the seeds to direct sunlight or prolonged artificial light sources.


Is It Ok to Store Seeds in Plastic Containers

It’s generally okay to store seeds in plastic containers, including plastic storage containers with seals or ziplock bags.

Plastic containers with tight-fitting lids or ziplock bags should be as airtight as possible to minimize the exchange of air, which can introduce moisture and affect seed viability. If using ziplock bags, using two bags can provide an extra layer of protection against air leaks.

Plastic containers may not provide as effective moisture control as glass jars, so it’s essential to ensure the seeds are thoroughly dried before storage and to monitor humidity levels within the container. Adding desiccant packets can help absorb any excess moisture and maintain optimal humidity levels.

While plastic containers can be suitable for short to medium-term storage, they may not offer the same longevity as glass jars, especially if the seals degrade over time. For long-term storage, glass jars with airtight seals are often recommended for better preservation of seed viability.


What Is the Thumb Rule for Seed Storage

The thumb rule for seed storage is indeed based on the relationship between moisture content and seed longevity. 

The thumb rule states that if the moisture content of seeds decreases by 1 percent, their storage life will double. This means that seeds with lower moisture content have a longer storage life compared to seeds with higher moisture content.

The effectiveness of this rule depends on the moisture content of the seeds. For seeds to maintain viability during storage, it’s generally recommended that their moisture content falls within a range of 5 to 14 percent. This range provides enough moisture to prevent desiccation and maintain metabolic processes, while also minimizing the risk of mold growth and seed deterioration.


What Is the James Rule of Seed Storage

The James Rule of seed storage provides a simple guideline to maintain suitable conditions for preserving seed viability.

The sum of the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and the relative humidity (%RH) should not exceed 100.


The temperature in degrees Celsius and the %RH should not exceed 60.

This rule helps ensure that seeds are stored in environments where the combined effects of temperature and humidity do not promote deterioration or degradation. By keeping both temperature and humidity within these recommended limits, you can help extend the shelf life of seeds and maintain their quality over time.


Final Words

By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can create a safe and secure environment for your cannabis seeds. With proper storage techniques, your seeds can remain viable for years, waiting patiently for the moment you’re ready to cultivate your own cannabis plants. Remember, the key factors for successful seed storage are low moisture, cool temperatures, darkness, and airtight containers.  Following these practices will ensure your seeds stay healthy and ready to sprout when you need them.

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