White Chocolate Lucky Charms Treats

Take a break from standard rice krispie treats and whip up these whimsical Lucky Charms treats instead. You need just 4 ingredients for this fun and easy treat that’s perfect for St. Patrick’s Day. A dip in white chocolate makes these gooey cereal bars extra magically delicious!

I originally published this recipe in 2013.

lucky charms cereal treats dipped in white chocolate.

Think of these treats as rice krispie treats with a colorful makeover. I also used the MAX amount of marshmallow that I could, because isn’t that the best part of these cereal bars? Extra marshmallow on top of the actual Lucky Charms marshmallows. Double the marshmallow fun!

Q: Which marshmallow shape is your favorite? Hearts, stars, and horseshoes. Clovers and blue moons. Unicorns and rainbows, and tasty red balloons!

Why You’ll Love These Lucky Charms Treats

I can’t promise these treats will bring you luck, but it certainly couldn’t hurt to make them and cross your fingers.

lucky charms marshmallow cereal treats cut into squares on parchment paper.

You Need Just 4 Ingredients

  1. Butter: Like many tasty desserts, these treats start with melted butter.
  2. Marshmallows: These treats are extra gooey and marshmallow-y. For the best results, make sure your marshmallows are fresh.
  3. Lucky Charms: Obviously! You need 6 cups of cereal, which will leave you with some leftover in a standard 14-ounce box.
  4. White Chocolate: Dipping the bottoms of these bars in melted white chocolate takes these treats to another level—over the rainbow, you might say! 😉

A pinch of salt is optional, but it does balance out some of the sweet.

St. Patrick’s Day Treats

How to Make Lucky Charms Treats + a Few Success Tips

When I’m making any kind of cereal treat bars, I always use more butter (and less cereal) than your typical recipe. The marshmallows are what harden and turn your treats to rocks the next day, so you want to butter them up as much as you can. Melt the two together on the stove over low heat and constantly stir. You want the mixture to be very buttery. It will make your bars so gooey and full of those glorious stretchy marshmallow strings.

Once the marshmallows are melted with the butter, remove from heat, pour the Lucky Charms in and stir it all together, making sure to do so gently—you don’t want to break the cereal.

melted marshmallows and butter and shown again with marshmallow cereal mixed in.

After the cereal is completely coated, transfer the sticky mixture to a lined 9-inch square pan.

To prevent sticking, line your pan with greased parchment paper. I line the pan first, then lightly spray the parchment paper with a little nonstick spray.

Don’t press the treats into the pan with force. That’s what creates a hard cereal treat! Instead, you want to mold them into the pan’s shape by very, very gently pressing down with a spatula. I spray the backside of my spatula with nonstick spray for ease.

Allow the treats to set for about 2 hours at room temperature before cutting. (Refrigerating them would make them rock hard.) Once they’ve set, lift the bars out of the pan using the edges of the parchment paper. Cut into bars, then dip into a pot of gold—er, I mean, melted white chocolate.

marshmallow cereal treats pressed into square pan.

The cereal bars aren’t as soft as my rice krispie treats, because Lucky Charms is a much crunchier cereal.

The Best White Chocolate for Melting

The best white chocolate for melting are the bars of “baking chocolate” found in the baking aisle near the chocolate chips. I like Baker’s and Ghirardelli brands, which come in 4-ounce bars. You need 8 ounces of white chocolate for this recipe, so you’ll use 2 bars. You could also use almond bark, which isn’t chocolate, but an easy-to-melt sweet candy coating.

Do not use white chocolate morsels or candy melts here—get the real-deal bars of white chocolate.

Melting white chocolate is simple: Start by chopping up the white chocolate and placing it in a microwave-safe bowl. (I usually use a glass liquid measuring cup.) Microwave it in 20-second increments, stopping and stirring after each increment. You could also use a double boiler if you have one.

After cutting the bars into squares, dip the bottoms in white chocolate and place the Lucky Charms treats upside down on a lined baking sheet (so you don’t mess up the wet chocolate). Let them set at room temperature or in the refrigerator, then you’re done!

lucky charms marshmallow cereal treats cut into squares.
stack of 3 white chocolate dipped Lucky Charms cereal treats.

These are so easy to make, and they’re a completely no-bake dessert recipe. Perfect for any last-minute get-togethers or parties you may have for St. Patrick’s Day, or any day of the year. And aren’t they pretty? And, may I add… magically delicious, too!!!


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