Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024

Mercury Retrograde in Aries
April 1 to 25, 2024
from 27º to 15º Aries

Mercury Retrograde in Aries: What Does It Mean? 

Mercury Retrograde in Aries occurs from April 1 to 25, 2024. This is the first of three Mercury Retrograde cycles of 2024, taking place in fire signs. Mercury’s focus on fire sign themes this year asks you to reconsider the fiery ways in which you use words. Do you think before you speak? How do your words affect others? 

In April, Mercury goes retrograde in brave Aries. When Mercury is retrograde in Aries, we explore our fighting spirit. We also explore our tendency to speak impulsively, as well as our ability to turn our ideas into actions.

Mercury Retrograde in Aries, April 2024

Mercury Retrograde in Aries: Impulsive Words

When Mercury is retrograde in Aries, we rethink our tendency to put our foot in our mouth. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, has a fiery zest for life and is eager to be first in everything. Mercury is our way of thinking, speaking, communicating, writing, and the way we relate to others. Therefore, Mercury in Aries can be impatient, interrupting others, talking over others. Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war, and consequently people with Mercury in Aries can be rude or cutting with their words, expressing themselves somewhat aggressively.

Mercury in Aries runs on a cocktail of inspiration, excitement, and immediacy. When Mercury in Aries has an idea, he would like to communicate it to others and act on it right away. If you have Mercury in Aries, you have great leadership abilities and can rally people around your ideas. Also, you can give amazing pep talks.

Mercury Retrograde in Aries: How to Think Before You Speak

In order to channel this leadership potential to its highest form, you must be careful not to lash out at others, thereby alienating them. Additionally, you must be aware of your moody nature. In other words, when inspiration leaves you, you may not be able to convey your ideas with as much conviction.

Mercury retrograde periods mark times when we review and rework the area of our chart that he is traveling through. You may find yourself having new ideas, feeling impatient at the slow pace of events, and considering ways that you have miscommunicated. You may consider what has and what hasn’t been working in your communication, and how to convey inspiration and charisma.

To learn how Mercury functions in your chart
and how to use the retrograde cycle to your advantage,
Contact Pandora Astrology for a Natal and Transits Reading.

If you prefer to learn independently
about Mercury’s placement in your chart,
draw up your natal chart here and get cracking!

Mars, Aries and a Fighting Spirit

Aries is ruled by Mars, the Warrior and Hero. Thus, Aries wants to feel like number one. Mercury in Aries may have trouble waiting for others to finish speaking before it jumps into a conversation. It may also impose its ideas on others with great force. In some instances, Mercury in Aries can come off as quite combative in conversation. 

With Mercury retrograde in Aries, our sense of what we can and cannot say may be in flux. It can be difficult to know how to be effective with our words. We may notice that our impulsiveness with words has been ineffective in some cases. In others, we may realize that our directness has done damage.

Mercury Retrograde and the Ability to Assert Ourselves

On the positive side of the spectrum, Mercury in Aries is assertive and honest. People with Mercury in Aries have no trouble telling you want they want and need, and they have no trouble with you doing the same. They are straightforward, and expect you to be as well.

Some of us may struggle with speaking assertively, or communicating our needs and wants. For those of us for whom this is true, Mercury retrograde in Aries can help us discover our voice, and how to wield it confidently and bravely. As long as Mercury is retrograde, we are plunged into an introspective period with regards to our communication. So, we may need to wait until Mercury is direct again for any uncertainty to clear. At that point, confidence in ourselves, our words, and our self-expression can be reestablished.  

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